laughter & forgetting. walking in the sun with my eyes closed. seeking spontaneous moments of creativity and experience. meeting other people who inspire me with their integrity, depth, and/or originality. making the things i want to happen, happen. feeling more alive. seeing sunrise more often. dancing with my shoes off. ditching anxiety. finding delight in observation. organic patterns and movement. more Art! more Design! more! making new friends who rock my world.
my evil twinView my art:
magnetic fields, low, hypatia lake, cinema obscura, bowie, death cab, greenhornes, shangri-las, lou reed, iron and wine, sparklehorse, john vanderslice, dylan, elvis costello, leonard cohen, shins, bjm, the who, pj harvey, broadcast, nick drake, cat power, brazilian stuff, pinback, electric boogaloo, amon tobin, ramones, blonde redhead, cure, motown & soul
NEW MOVIES I WANT TO SEE: DAVID LYNCH, TERRY GILLMAN, ALDOMOVAR, JOHN CAMERON MITCHELL, & NEXT YEAR's STRANGER'S HUMPsex & lucia, vertical rays of the sun (so beautiful to watch), anything with isabelle huppert (she's so fierce)
yep, got one
too many to think of on the spot right here. i am excited about a new one I'm starting, the ongoing moment by Geoff Dyer. I like his writing style.A Natural History of the Senses, Diane Ackerman.Ideas of Heaven.The Primary Colors, Alexander Theroux.Octavio Paz.The Midnight Disease, Alice Wl Flaherty.I love humor. sedaris, j. ames, a. burroughsFrancine Prose, Blue Angel (?)A theory of love.Suggestions????
my mum