*~The name is Mina~*THINGz I LIKE 2 DO ARE CHILL WITH MY PEOPLEz aNd dO wUtEvA 2 MaKe MysElF HaPPy! I lIke TaLkIng 2 PeOpLE & I aM A grEaT PeRsoN 2 TalK 2.iM aLwAyS MaKiN sUrE iM BeIn LoYal 2 mY PeOpLeZ & I dOnt tolErAtE BS sO dOnt ComE @ Me RecKleSS....
~iM black/PuErTo RiCaN/indian
~im a koo FeMaLe!
~I like being GooFy AnD SillY :pIm A GrEat PeRsOn To TaLk to !If u like the Page, Hit me Up, then it would b up 2 me to respond! If you Dont like, then oh well yo loss not mine!PEACE AND LOVE!~~~~ Virgo baby!
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