Ma name is Stephen. My purpose for creating this page is to attempt to raise some awareness and encourage people to educate therselves on GLOBAL WARMING.A lot of people believe that Global warming is a myth, another terror tactic from the people in charge. Well truth is, its not. And whats even scarier, the people in charge aint doing enough about it.And the consequences are severe. One has to only type global warming into a search engine to be bombarded with facts on the impending hazards that befall us worldwide.I reccomend you start by checking out the web site "" and also if you can get along to a theatre or rent it on dvd, see the movie "An inconvienent truth".The next time you are out and about breathing in the fresh air round about you, take a couple of minutes to just look up at the sky and then look around at the natural beauty surrounding you, be it a tree or a river.Our world is beautiful. It is filled with so many natural wonders and things that have inspired us throughout the generations. So many of us do not appreciate the beauty surrounding us. I too did not realise this beauty until the only the last few years in my life. Sometimes we need to just slow down and take a gd look at our home.Then think of a world without these natural beauties.This is not just an American problem, or a European problem or an Asian problem...its a global one.
My Interests
Anyone who takes heed of the warnings and decides to do something positive to save the planet. It takes a lot to actually do something.