Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
TRaVeL . TaLK . MuSiC . CoNCeRTS . WaTeR . THiNK . LeaRN . WRiTe . DRaW . DaNCe . SLeeP . WaLK . eNJoY . FeeL . CooK . SuNSeTS . BeaCH . oCeaN . MouNTaiNS . SNoW . SuN . CLouDS . aiRPoRTS . aiRoPLaNeS . BoaTS . SHiPS . DoGS . WiNe . PeoPLe . CoMMuNiCaTioN . VaRieTy . MoVeMeNT . CoMPLeXiTy . SiMPLiCiTy...........
PeoPLe WiTH a GooD HeaRT, aN oPeN MiND aND WHo GoT SoMeTHiNG To SaY...
mostly rock or similar stuff, but i'm flexible and my i-pod is eclectic!
music to wake up to, to fall asleep to. to snowboard, to dance, to chill, to sit at the beach, to watch a sunset, watch a sunrise. to have a chat, music to shut up and music to cry, music to laugh and some to cook.........
its the variety that makes life interesting.....
i love good lyrics, ones that go under the skin... or a sound that makes you feel something instantly...
stay. fight club. constantine. lost in translation.
paulo coelho. banana yoshimoto. martin suter.
...............eVeRYoNe CaN Be a HeRo aND a LoSeR aT THe SaMe TiMe..................