aLMaGeDoN profile picture



About Me

black & white and ALL THE SHADES OF GREY in between, which can make things a little complicated at times............................................... i like variety & change, the extremes in life, don't like getting stuck and bored, i try my best to keep things moving, to grow and learn, widen the angle of my eye-sight and broaden my mind........................................................ ................................................... i can be HAPPY i can be SAD, i've seen the GOOD and the BAD.......................................i will always carry a MELANCHOLY in me, for things always end - and i carry JOY in me, for things always end, bringing NEW CHANCES & CHALLENGES.................................................. ............................................................ ....i'm very talkative, addicted to COMMUNICATION and different languages, but also to SILENCE and an open ear when needed... TRAVELING is my biggest HOBBY & ADDICTION, i guess that says a lot about me.......................................................... ............................................................ lise, we can only do our best, knowing that tomorrow was not promised. and knowing this makes me cherish the good moments even more!....................................................... ............................................................ .......... there's always so much more to say, but i guess for now it's better to shut up... ;-)

"LiVe'S To You S'BeeN LeSS THaN KiND - So TaKe a NuMBeR STaND iN LiNe - We'Ve aLL BeeN SoRRY - We'Ve aLL BeeN HuRT - BuT HoW We SuRViVe iS WHaT MaKeS uS WHo We aRe ! ! !"

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My Interests

TRaVeL . TaLK . MuSiC . CoNCeRTS . WaTeR . THiNK . LeaRN . WRiTe . DRaW . DaNCe . SLeeP . WaLK . eNJoY . FeeL . CooK . SuNSeTS . BeaCH . oCeaN . MouNTaiNS . SNoW . SuN . CLouDS . aiRPoRTS . aiRoPLaNeS . BoaTS . SHiPS . DoGS . WiNe . PeoPLe . CoMMuNiCaTioN . VaRieTy . MoVeMeNT . CoMPLeXiTy . SiMPLiCiTy...........

I'd like to meet:

PeoPLe WiTH a GooD HeaRT, aN oPeN MiND aND WHo GoT SoMeTHiNG To SaY...


mostly rock or similar stuff, but i'm flexible and my i-pod is eclectic! music to wake up to, to fall asleep to. to snowboard, to dance, to chill, to sit at the beach, to watch a sunset, watch a sunrise. to have a chat, music to shut up and music to cry, music to laugh and some to cook......... its the variety that makes life interesting..... i love good lyrics, ones that go under the skin... or a sound that makes you feel something instantly...


stay. fight club. constantine. lost in translation.


paulo coelho. banana yoshimoto. martin suter.


...............eVeRYoNe CaN Be a HeRo aND a LoSeR aT THe SaMe TiMe..................

My Blog

OUT THERE trailer, by Teton Gravity Created in partnership with Surfrider Foundation, OUT THERE showcases today's most progressive surfing, while considering humankind's impact on the...
Posted by aLMaGeDoN on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 04:13:00 PST