devishly disciplined metal,beer,jack daniels,women,guitar,drums,long hair,gigs,gigging,smoking....etc
trey azagthoth.if i could have half his talent i could die happy..
Abomination Abruptum Absu Absurd Abyss, the Acerbus Agathocles Adramelech Adversary Amebix Amorphis Ancient Ancient Rites Angelcorpse Antaeus Arcturus Asgard Asphyx Atheist Atrocity At the Gates Autopsy Auzhia Avenger Averse Sefira Axis of Advance Baphomet Bathory Behemoth Beherit Belial Black Goat Blasphemy Blazemth Blood Bolt Thrower Brutal Truth Burzum Cadaver Candlemass Capharnaum Carcass Cartilage Cathedral Celtic Frost Cenotaph Centinex Ceremonium Christ Agony Cianide Corrosion of Conformity Cryptic Slaughter Cultus Sanguine Dark Funeral DarkThrone Dark Tranquility Dawn dead horse Death Death Strike Deceased Deeds of Flesh Deicide Deinonychius Demigod Demilich Demoncy Demonic Deteriorate Dimmu Borgir D.R.I. Disfear Dismember Dissection Drogheda Emperor Engrave Enslaved Entombed Eucharist Exhumed Fleshcrawl Frozen Shadows Gehenna Godflesh God Macabre Gorgoroth Gorguts Gotmoor Graveland Grotesque Gutted Havohej Hades Hellhammer Hemdale Hetsheads Hypocrisy Ildjarn Immolation Immortal Impaled Nazarene Imprecation Incantation Infernum Inquisition Intestine Baalism Kataklysm Katatonia Kilcrops Krieg Kvist Lepra Lord Wind Luciferion Magus Manes Marduk Martyr Massacra Massacre Mayhem Merciless Mesrine Molested Monastery Monstrosity Morbid Angel Morpheus Descends Mortem Mortiis Mortuary Mysticum Mythic Mtiilation Napalm Death Necromantia Necromass Necrophobic Niden Div 187 NME Nox Intempesta Nuclear Assault Nuclear Death Num Skull Obituary Oppressor Ophthalamia Pentagram Pervertum Pestilence Possessed Powermad Profanatica Prong Pyrexia Resuscitator Revenant Rigor Mortis Rise Rotting Christ Sacramentum Sadistic Intent Samael Sammath Sarcofago Sarcophagus Seance Sentenced Sepultura Septic Flesh Setherial Sinister Skepticism Slayer Sodom Sorcier des Glaces Sort Vokter Summon Summoning Suffocation Swordmaster Tartaros Terrorizer Thanatopsis Tha-norr Therion Thorns Throne of Ahaz Torchure Torturer Troll Ulver Unanimated Under The Pagan Moon Ungod Unleashed Urgrund Usurper Vader Varathron Veles Vilkates Voivod Von Watain Xibalba Yamatu the idea???
stand by me,pulp fiction,cannibal holocaust,cannibal ferox,massacre mansion,eaten alive..various cult nasties.
dont tend to watch much tv,but of course,the simpsons!
otherland..any of tad williams works. jrr tolkien's works as well.
trey azagthoth