FARIS AUDAH profile picture


from cradle to grave

About Me

Who Cares What You Think!!
I sit, in my desolate room, no lights, no music,Just angerRRR , I've killed everyone, I'm away forever, but I'm feeling better,How do I feel, What do I say
This is for the suffer... This is for the proof
This is for the.. lover.. soaking in the truth This is for the liar!!! This is for the dream.This is for america """ burning at the seas""""This is for the treason...This is for the speed...All the money cumming in the mouths of the meek..... This is for the..(hyperradiaoactive liar.. president... This is for the bomb!!!!! This is for the reasons of all who belong.. ...This is for the believers """""""""" of the truth This is for the leaders of the youth ..!@$% These are the seeds for all who pollute"""""""Polluters of the mind and all who use......
*Coma america*
.....I am out! ..

Freedom, right, justice and peace are essential values for any society to rise and develop. Freedom is the basis for this rise, while justice cannot be applied without right and peace is inaccessible with the exclusion of justice.Adopting and practicing these human values require commitment and credibility, for they make one impartible whole; freedom can not be enjoyed by one group and denied to another, right should not prevail here and be paralyzed there; if abated, justice turns into injustice; peace can not be achieved unless it is comprehensive.These values have been established by the divine religions, the clearest and most comprehensive of which has been Islam, whether in theoretical or practical conception.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My Blog

kiamat berapa hari bulan ha?

dah lama aku tak tulis blog.. aklhir2 ni busy gile.. takde masa sgt nak active kat myspace nih.. ari ni aku free sket.. tetiba aku trbaca artikel nih kat ofis aku.. so.. aku taip balik n sharekan kt k...
Posted by FARIS AUDAH on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 02:31:00 PST


sad of being nothin............blur!
Posted by FARIS AUDAH on Thu, 06 Oct 2005 12:02:00 PST

akademi fantasia, mawi dan terbakarnya masjid al-aqsa...

AF di Hati , Aqsa di Kaki ! 7/28/2005- Artikel Menarik dari Ust Maszlee Malik .  "Aqsa semakin berkulat dan berkarat, cukuplah fizikal masjid Aqsa sememangnya tidak secantik masjid Kubah Batu y...
Posted by FARIS AUDAH on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

IFC - parasit peliharaan syaitan

1. Apakah Interfaith Commision (IFC)? IFC yang nama asalnya ialah IRC - Inter ReligousCouncil (IRC) adalah sebuah suruhanjaya yangdicadangkan penubuhannya seperti sebuah badan berkanunyang mempunyai ...
Posted by FARIS AUDAH on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

ntah hape2 laaa budak nih

bila tahap kesombongan dan keangkuhan menjadi tangan yg menutup mata keikhlasan dan ketulusan hati...maka yang tinggal hanyalah duri-duri yang merobek perasaan insan2 yg mengharapkan belas ikhlas mere...
Posted by FARIS AUDAH on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

aku tak nak masuk campur...tapi aku nak bersuara

jangan sesiapa rasa terhiris atau dihiris..aku mana ada pisau wei... aku tak niat nak masuk campur atau nak tunjuk best.. aku hanya nak meluahkan sesuatu yang bersifat rasional dan berbentuk reali...
Posted by FARIS AUDAH on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

citer best utk kamu dan aku...

cerita ni aku terbaca kat satu laman web and aku copy paste. Aku tak pasti le benda2 yg tertulis ni betul ke tak...tapi aku rase ape yg diceritakan sangat sesuai utk renungan bersama...bace dan nilai ...
Posted by FARIS AUDAH on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


KITA DAN YAHUDI Kalau kita hendak menceritakan tentang Palestin, ia menjadi satu ilmu dan bukan berbentuk satu jawapan. Kalau satu jawapan, tentulah kita akan menyentuh sudut-sudut tertentu sahaja...
Posted by FARIS AUDAH on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST