Here and Now profile picture

Here and Now

Where are you? And what time is it?

About Me
I just want to be me. All I want is to be the person that I am. What I want is good people that accept me for me. I'm truely blessed to have the family and friends I have.
I like to be intoduced to new perspectives and adventures as long as I'm not pressured into having to adopt that philosophy or moment. I like to make a decision on my own and then if I want help deciding I will ask. Everyone else is entitled to there own opinion and so am I.
A great friend of mine always says that, "If there is anything worth doing, it is worth doing right!" I whole heartedly agree with that. It is one of my philosiphies that I live my life by. Along with "Live and let live," "Do unto others," and that "As long as I can find myself I will be able to survive." Now yes, I am human and I do make mistakes. I deffiantly stray from these rules from time to time. However I try my heardest to govern myself the best that I can. Once I know I have fallen from my path, I try to pick myself up and get back on. Always hiking toward a positive bright future.
~ Me, Joshua, the only me that I can be ~
PEACE to the human race. We are all in this together.
~~~~~ So I still live by everything that I wrote above and don't want to try and reword/rewrite it. So I'm just going to add on. I need to make a few things clear about who I am. This is important cause I tend to hide this in fear for what people will think. Not anymore, here is what I have to say. I don't believe in religon, god or the bible. They are just stories to me, nothing more. Not to say I don't believe in something along those lines. Anywho, if you do that is fantastic. I'm glad that you believe in something, that is a beautiful thing. I don't judge, so don't judge me. Here is what I do believe. I am part of a universal energy, it feeds me and I in return feed it. You can call it God, Ahla, Buddah, Zues or whatever you want. I truely believe that we are all the same, and we must all RESPECT eachother. Now there is alot more then just this, but that is all I'm going to write. If you care to know more I'm more then willing to "discuss it openly."

My Interests

Here are just a few things that I can say that interest me.

art, artist, boldering, cartoons, climbing, coffee, computer animation, compositing, conversations, creativity, dali, designing, dinners, disney, drawing, editing, exercising, expression, family, films, filming, folk music, friends, genuine people, graphic design, happieness, hiking, honesty, independence, internal exploration, kids, learning, life, morals, motion graphics, movies, piercings, poetry, positive people, running, self expression, slack lining, snowboarding, soccer, spirituality, sports, tattoos, toys, volleyball, writing.

Basically any and all "positive" life experiances. I can say that I am not a fan of drama and avoid it at all costs. I know you must take the good with the bad, however drama is unnessisary negitivity. I try to surround myself in positivity, we are a porducts of our environments.

If you are not a true positive person please leave me alone. I've had to many people misrepresent themselves as positive people. Not saying the negitive people are bad, I believe that you are a product of your own environment. So I only want positive people around me.

I'd like to meet:

Myself when I was 5, 10, 15, 18, 21, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70... All at the same time. It would be a gathering of Joshua's. Just to see right there in front of my face the changes I have went through. Also to relearn all the things I have forgotten and all the things that I have to look forward to.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ MEMORIES

Drinking on the deck at Patty Flemmings with Josh, Ted and the rest of the gang! Sharing meals with Torie! Finnies with the my Doylestown Rock Gym friends! Watching Liz wrestle guys and kick there asses! Rollerblading in the middle of the night for miles with Jeff! Road trips with Rus! Playing pool with Jaime, Dan and Rus! Walking around a Parking lot for hours talking with Jaime! Beach trips with Sally! Drinking with Sally, Serge and Andrea at Smoking Devaini's 2! Parties at Kirks beach house! Late night conversations with Julia! Parties at Laurie and Jessiaca's! Keg stands at Lil' Rus's! Drinking and cheering on Big Rus @ his hockey games! Drinking on Hamilton Street! Sitting and reading for hours @ Crumbs Coffee Shop and The Red Eye Coffee Shop! Going to concerts with Torie! Sharing so many firsts that I can't begin to list them with Torie (Showing you some love T, she is my best friend if you chouldn't tell)! Drunken adventures with Dustin, Rus and Serge on spring break! Hanging @ the Todd's house all the time (thanks for putting up with me)! Just plain chilling and even being near Ash, Jeff, Jeanie and John. Watching Lost and Invasion with my Mom! Working on cars, talking and getting guidience from my Hero (my dad)! Getting random drunk dials form friends and family! Getting unexpected calls from people that were once a huge part of your life! Coffee with Christine. Folk Fest with Holly and Dylan (love them to peices). Being a big brother to Jeff and Ricky! Playing cards with my sis. Hanging on my Uncle T's porch and chatting with him and my cusin Ryan till all hours of the morning. Snuggling with my Janie cat! Calling Laura up at 1am and driving 45 min to hang with her. Waring my skirt around at the Folk Fest. Playing cribbage with my Grandpa. Hanging with my Dad and Uncle T at the shop. Fishing with my cusin Ryan and Uncle. Top roping for the first time outside with Holly and Dylan. Playing in the bubbles and helping Dylan climb the fences. Getting hugs from great friends. Missing everyone so much it hurts, but lets me know how much they all really mean to me.



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Walking off the plane and laying my eyes on her for the first time. Hiking with her and Teton. Teacking her how to set up and walk on a slackline. Falling asleep next to her. Having dinner with her Parents for the first time. Going to D&B and kicking her butt in racing and in basketball. Trying to watch movies with her but never finishing. Always surprising her with various things. Going to see Happy Feet and having her be patient enough to let me watch the credits cause I knew people that worked on the movie. Just holding, kissing, talking and being with her.

Baby you have changed my life and I love you very much!!!


Music is the key to my soul, I am open for all music. I am just about never without music! So in short all! Here are a few:

Josh Ritter (If you like chill music help support him), Matisyahu, Sublime, The Early November, Sunset Cafe, Ryan Adams, Carbon Leaf, Rich Hardesty, DMB, Jack Johnson, Donavan Frankenreiter, Damian Rice, G love and the Special Sauce, Bright Eyes, Ellis Paul, Glen Phillips, Postal Service, St. Germain, Spittalfield, Shawn Mullins, Shins, Frou Frou, Mighty Mighty Bostones, Phish, Ani DiFranco, Mutual Admiration Society, Nickle Creek, Rascel Flatts, Aimee Mann, Altans, Chris Thile, Counting Crows, Sister Hazel, Cat Stevens, Pink Floyd, Jimmy Hendrix, James Taylor, Guster, Xavier Rudd, Kalai, Fall Out Boy, Mae, Radiohead, Good Charolette, Jethro Tull, Eminem, and the list goes on...


Anything from a film festival/indipendent, strange, thought provoking or unusual. Not to mention cartoons and computer animated. If we are to get along you are going to have to love, or atleast like, animation. It is one of my only true loves! That and my cat, Janie (I miss you so very much)!


I try not to watch to much but if when I do: Cartoons, Cartoons, That 70's Show, Cartoons, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, TLC, Bravo, A&E, oh and Cartoons. There are others but whatever...


Celestine Prophecy, The Way of the Peaceful Worrior, The Journey of Socrates, No Ordinary Moments (thanks Torie for intorducing these books to me, everyone read them if you get a chance),The Mist Filled Path, The Spiral of Memory and Belonging, Cenefex (mag/book), 365 Buddah, Enlightened Mind, Enlightened Heart, Anything by Sark and anything for creative self improvement.


Hands down my Father (step father, this will be the only time I'll call him that)

My Blog

Hope there words help you in your journey!

To the one that wants to listen,Find the one that you seek. Look in the mirror before you sleep and awake knowing that you are there. Yourself is there when you need it. Call upon your friends, family...
Posted by Here and Now on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 11:00:00 PST

Josh Riitter Concert

So Kerry and I went to the Josh Ritter Concert last night. I recommend that everyone check him out. played alone and is quite unique. I have never seen a happier person. H...
Posted by Here and Now on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 06:57:00 PST

San Fran and Me!!!

Going to Cali and more specifically San Fran on Tuesday. I'm excited but mostly freeked the f*ck out! This could be it, I'm going out there to fulfill my dreams. I got a 10 day matchmoving gig with a ...
Posted by Here and Now on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 07:33:00 PST

"SUN" - latest art work 10.04.06

This picture was made for my friend Jen. I hope she likes it!!!
Posted by Here and Now on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 09:21:00 PST

Pics by Torie!!!

Posted by Here and Now on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 08:58:00 PST

"Lessons From Trees"

This is a story that a great friend of mine Torie has shared with me. I think it is an important lesson that I need to learn and I wanted to sare it with you. I hope that it can touch you like it has ...
Posted by Here and Now on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 08:33:00 PST

Wow what a night!!!

So this whole day has been surreal. There are so many things going on in my life and in my head. I don't know where to begin.My focus at times is so intence that you wouldn't be able to say 2 words to...
Posted by Here and Now on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 09:56:00 PST

Do you think???

What do you think of:Lying in bed before you sleep?Brushing your teeth in the morning?Walking to your car before work/school?While you are holding that special someone?Right now?Five minutes ago?Ten m...
Posted by Here and Now on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 10:45:00 PST

NFL Films and future life!

So here is an update on my life. Not exactly where I want it but things are happening. I am currently working @ Eastern Mountain Sports as a supervisor. I really like the job, my friends that I work w...
Posted by Here and Now on Sat, 29 Jul 2006 06:11:00 PST

Huge accomplishment!!!

So I finally broke my habit today for the first time and it feels great. Been tellin myslef that I will get up at 7 every morning and go running. Well when 9 - 9:30 rolls around and I'm still in bed, ...
Posted by Here and Now on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 05:11:00 PST