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About Me

I work in a bottle rocket factory. I saw the movie Bottle Rocket and thought that screw the movie; I want to work at a bottle Rocket Factory. I collect carpets of every size, shape and colour to be customized for my 5-litre mustang. I hate people who like "long walks on the beach" and I will beat you up if you even think, "I like them". My favorite song is itsy-bitsy-spider; it's my feel good morning song. In my spare time I water plants, not with a jug if you catch my drift ; ). I have OCD so I have to unlock and lock a door in multiples of three. Sometimes I spend all day trying to leave the bathroom. I have lost jobs and loved ones because of this. I think shoes are for the weak, and real men go bare foot. Good enough for Jesus, good enough for me.
I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!

My Interests

I like Solitaire competitions not on the computer. I like dancing in front of strobe lights until I throw up or see multiples of me. Which ever comes first? I like peeling my oranges into images, of male genitalia or elephants, your preference really.

I'd like to meet:

People I want to meet? How about people I don't want to meet. YOU!!!!!!!turkey baster
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Anything that I can tap my feet to or that just has a good rockin' beat. Paris Hilton is an angel of music sent by god. I can really relate to what she is going through and has to say. "If God was one of us..." I would pay to be on that bus!


Bambie 2, only because the mother is still dead. Glitter was Mariah Carey at her best, I was the only one in the theatre.


The Wonder Years...because really what would you do if I sang out of tune? would your ears bleed? Would you stand up and walk out on me? If so you are just RUDE. The View only when Star Jones was fat, she lost her spunk when she lost her whale blubber now she is something only a mother could "love".


Anything Pop-up. Oh and I can't put down the Berenstain Bears, I just have to find out what Brother and Sister bear will get into next.


I have many heroes. David Beckham's left foot. Rachel McAdam's hair, I don't know how she gets her bangs to sweep. Kristie Alley because even though she looks fat still she wore a bathing suit on Oprah. She had some unknown confidence.

My Blog


MRI Results on my right knee...I guess a 30 plus foot free fall to completely flat landing is not good for your knees. I wont be back on my board this season and not until atleast 6 months after surge...
Posted by IVC on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 03:40:00 PST