looking at things from a fucked up point of view, photography, music of all sorts, "little people", WeeMan(Eric), meeting weird people,..running, watching fraggle rocks with weeman, reminicing Please check out my website that I am in the process of building... derangedphoto.com
anyone who can carry on an interesting conversation..i love picking other peoples brains to an extent, and occasionally, i allow others to pick my brain. AIM derangedjenn
Create Your Own
Alice in Chains, Cryptopsy, Held Under, Burnt by the Sun, Dehumanized, ALL SHALL FUCKING PERISH, Skinless, Balls Deep, Chunx, Wasteform....I guess....acid bath, deadboy and the elephantmen, The Red Chord, some pink floyd. CCR, despised icon, ominous, Last Call...your mother..TORN ASUNDER homies!....Gym Class Heros, Pachabel, 311, i can pretty much get into anything if the mood is right....except for country...sorry cowboy
Cannable the musical, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, King Pin, Donnie Darco, Tenacious D DVD
we watch elmo and lord of the rings movies........ohh yes and we love team america world police
herman hesse augusten burroughs
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