The Archangels
Ticket Out of Hell
just waiting for that narcotic bliss that comes maybe once in a decade...
current projects include harvesting uranium , constructing a server computer , and the constant battle for vengeance.
i enjoy spending days awake on end, and would rather overdose on pure caffeine than anything else, because i'm a caffeine junkie
find out for yourself why i think the way i do, instead of asking me...
I'm also a communist , and don't give me shit about it. Long live the CCCP!
i see all of my drawings in real life
my dream rifle, the barrett M468
i've been told i'm two different people,
and that i'm hotter than most of the girls at my school...
i'm a saboteur and a master at espionage.
there are two ddr's that i play with, and one of them fits in my computer.
it comforts me to wake up and not know who i'm looking at in the mirror
I love FLCL, vintage surgical items, makeup, gaming, and paintball. Music is mostly techno/rock/industrial/glam/classical. find that in stores...
i see in black and white...and prefer it that way.
there's only one soda i'll drink, and one energy drink i'll love. Monster is a phase, but i'm tres originale.
I'm technosexual, so if you don't love computers, i don't love are my computer specs
i know i'm better than you, prettier than you, and hated for it more than you...
I'm a hotter girl than you, and I'm a guy.
all art pieces that have been publicised are now on display
oh and i make t- shirts too...just ask
"it's not political, it's moral "- Al Gore
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This is Archforb. She is my beautiful creation.
Conglomerate Letters to the Mechanical Angel