Speaking of life- other things I love are connecting with people in respect, integrity and childlike innocence and fun. I love being with my son and watching him grow into his own gorgeous self. I love being outdoors! Yes, as well as eating alive I love to breath alive, speak alive and be a witness to the beauty of life. I love running on the beach, challenging myself mentally, physically and spiritually, through invigorating yoga of body, mind and soul. Oh, and very important, I love to laugh, listen, cry and most of all just be present to wherever it is that I'm at in any given moment.
Other beautiful, respectful spirits, who choose life, love, abundance, peace,and integrity. People who want to refine the world through every moment into it's greatest potential. Beings of optimism, awareness, self respect and self love. Those who greet success in every aspect of their life with open arms. People who want to come together and be fearless in facing the challenges we're presented with and overcome in truth and honor for all of creation.
I love a variety of music the most important thing to me about it is two things, One-positive lyrics and two-that it moves my body to dance or my soul to sing. Favorites include Jack Johnson, Ben Harper, Shimshai, Michael Franti, Bluegrass, Diva Primal, The Waifs, Krishna Das, Jimmy Buffet, Drumming, and soooooo much more.
The Secret is my most recent favorite. I also love any movie that makes me feel in love with life and glad to be alive. I'm a sucker for romance, comedy and dancing movies. Ix-nay on the Iolence-vay.
Don't have one...I am missing something?
My First choice these days is The Gift by Hafiz...oh my dear sweet Hafiz. I laugh, I cry, I join Hafiz in singing praises to all of creation and my beloved creator.My book of course: ELAINA'S PURE JOY KITCHEN RECIPE BINDER: www.purejoyplanet.com Create healthy, simple recipes the whole family will enjoy. Experience more energy and vibrancy by making these recipes a part of your daily meals.115 recipes! Try simple salads, luxurious dressings, decadent creamy soups, holiday meals, and international cuisine............................................Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins, Ask and It is Given by Abraham-Hicks, The Millionaire Mind by T-Harv Ecker, A Woman's Worth by Marianne Williamson The Ancient Secret of the Flower of life by Drunvallo Melchizadek The Essene Gospel of Peace
SHE-roes: Mother Earth who loves us no matter WHAT! Barbara Streisand because she followed her dreams Bette Midler because she is sassy and doesn't take guff. Chaya Rivka Diehl because she is a beautiful being who speaks her truth.