You Are New York
Cosmopolitan and sophisticated, you enjoy the newest in food, art, and culture.
You also appreciate a good amount of grit - and very little shocks you.
You're competitive, driven, and very likely to succeed.
Famous people from New York: Sarah Michelle Gellar, Tupac Shakur, Woody Allen What American City Are You?Goodness what a spotlight. All about ME?
Well Im a stubborn individual with no free time. I literally have to pencil in time to urinate. Time Management lacks priority and here I am updating a god-forsaken personals website, with the book that Im currently trying to read, sitting opened to the same page for the past half-hour, next to the keyboard
Which Sex and the City Player Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
In a grownups juvenile logic, Im a whole lot of Carrie Bradshaw who smokes out an occasional Miranda and/or Charlotte trait all who are almost envious of Samantha. Lets face it we all need a little Samantha in our lives. I laugh at myself when I was a kid and related myself to the Pink Power Ranger and here I am 23-years-old and enduring the trend (in much classier terms though.) (Sometimes a sentence just needs to be ended with though.) (Could I be using any more parentheses?)
I enjoy writing. I love to read. Im attracted to older men. The cosmopolitan was created for me which is sometimes attended with a stress-relief-cigarette. Im entirely intrigued with nonwestern culture but have no time to educate myself with it. Im sorry but sleep (which amounts to sanity) comes before self study. My music collection has become my Bible. And movies well, lets just say movies reveal things that we just cannot.
Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that I'm a photographer?
I attain a love for Milwaukee that I dont think is shared with anyone I know thus far in life. Its historic value and beautiful architecture holds a place in my heart. I am a city boy and damn proud of it. And part of me almost detests the suburbs. Like Virginia Woolf might have said, I choose not the suffocating anesthetics of the suburbs, but the violent jolt of the capitol. That is my choice.
As complicated as my personality may be simplistic things are key to happiness. I wont be embarrassed to say that sailboats on a summer morning make my day or that church bells and police sirens make me content.
In all Im a basket case, just like everyone else. Even with all the shrinks out there there is no way to depict the entirety a human beings personality especially through tactic of a silly personals column. So in all, if youve read this far and need to know more I welcome all invites and emails with appropriate means...