*Caprice* profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

Yes, I am a Transgendered girl - As a very young child, I felt uncomfortable about my gender. I was later diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder. I was not born female but never became a ‘man’. I think that society’s idea of what defines someone a ‘man’/’woman’, is needing to be broadened. I have lived as a girl for over 12 years. I am now saving for the costly surgery to become complete. I have done much work on feeling more comfortable being stuck in the middle, as it has been very difficult to accept being a woman with male genitalia. U wanna know more...get to know me/check out my blogs.CRITERIA TO BE ADDED TO MY FRIENDS LIST/CORRESPOND WITH ME: Firstly - thanks for the interest. I do get a lot of messages and friend requests. I used to add everyone and things became unmanageable - I am now much more selective.If you want to send a request; I would appreciate a courtesy introduction / note - I do that.No pic (of your face), no interest!! Yes, I know I don't show mine on this profile but I am not the one 'friend requesting'/messaging you. Anyone who gets to know me can easily see my face....and what's with the profiles set on private?? I am an open book - I like others who are open as well. Part of me knowing if I want to get to know you more, is maybe checking out more about you and your pix - can't really do that with PRIVATE; guess you only want your 'current friends' to know about you.I will not be giving my personal email / MSN / Yahoo, to strangers. If you don't have a pic and you think that I will 'add you' just to be so blessed as to see how you look - Ur joking right?? Asking me for any of these in the first message is a little premature. I would rather someone take the time to exchange messages and let us get to know a bit about each other before asking me to give you my MSN and go on cam.ThanksFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1087248258

My Interests

HEY, EVERYONE; THIS TRANS GROUP HAS GREAT CHALLENGING/SUPPORTIVE DISCUSSIONS: ************************************************************ *********************All are welcome so please join this group: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ canadiantrans PLEASE CLICK HERE TO CHECK OUT THIS GROUP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~There are so many groups for Transgendered people. This is a place for Canadian and all Trans people (guys & girls) to talk & meet each other. this is a forum for all people to exchange/challenge ideas and share their experiences living as/with a Trans person (good and bad). Let's support each other and share our strength and hope. You are encouraged to to express how you are making life as a Trans person/admirer/supporter better in a not so always Trans positive society.U don't have to be Canadian to join! Peace!********************************* http://groups.myspace.com/canadiantrans********************* *******************Ontario health plan to cover sex-change surgery Updated: Thu May.15 2008 2:44:21 PMThe Canadian PressTORONTO — Ontario's Liberal government confirms it will resume coverage of sex-change surgery under the province's health insurance plan.Health Minister George Smitherman says the details have not been finalized, but Ontario will soon start paying for sexual reassignment surgery. He says about eight to 10 people each year would qualify for the operation.Ontario's previous Conservative government cancelled coverage of sex-change operations 10 years ago, leaving some people stranded midway through the process.Smitherman says people wanting the procedures must first go through "very, very sustained psychological evaluations" and must get approval from the Centres for Addiction and Mental Health.NDP Leader Howard Hampton says this was a long-standing Liberal promise that the government is finally honouring.20-20 2007 Apr 27 'My Secret Self-A Story of Transgender Children':ABC NEWS’ “20/20,” FRIDAY, APRIL 27 A Barbara Walters Report: Living as and with a Transgender KidABC NEWS’ “20/20,” FRIDAY, APRIL 27 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Online Videos by Veoh.comMan raised as girl, dies tragically
Add to My Profile | More VideosDIVINE:From Queen's of Comedy: .. .. .. ..

I'd like to meet:

Hottt boys! Who love and appreciate a beautiful girl just the way she is. If you want to know my 'type', look below. NO PIC. NO 'ADD'. I am looking for a white, fit, tall, healthy, guy who smells good. I love young guys (with an adult atittude). I'm really into pale complexions. Love dirty bloned hair, shaved heads, tatoos. Skater look. Green or blue eyes - a plus. What's hot? - 'thug' bad-boy look (need to be respectful though) - Ya, ok, I like WIGGAS. Love Newfies/Marritimers; small town - farm boys (southern U.S.); Native boys! Hey, if Ur young thats one thing - if you act like a kid, I have no time for that. I am mainly interested in people in my area. I will only respond to profiles with PICTURES of 'you'. Face shots a plus.*nice guys only******************************************************** **************************Josh Hartnet: **************************Jeremy Piven: ...."http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q163/sexytallgirrl/3 .jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"*********** Michael Shoeffling


Divine, Pete Burns (D.O.A.), Boy George. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


.. ..


My Grandmother, Oprah Winfrey, Dixie Chicks/Lance Bass for speaking out. Boy George, Divine, Caroline 'Tula' Cossey who's book, 'My Story' helped to change the lives of many. This was the first and only Transsexual woman to be a 'James Bond Girl' (For Your Eyes Only) as well as the only TS girl to have a spread in Playboy. She has worked to change laws and to change perceptions - Showing that TS girls can be attractive, intelligent, successful, desired women.click here to check out the CAROLINE COSSEY GROUP **************************************************Her Worship Georgina Beyer, M.P. - The first Transsexual in the world to be elected to national office. 'Georgie Girl' - documentary about her life.Anyone breaking down barriers. People who are and who are doing things which others said we couldn't do or be.

My Blog


 Ontario health plan to cover sex-change surgery Updated: Thu May. 15 2008 2:44:21 PM The Canadian Press TORONTO  Ontario's Liberal government confirms it will resume coverage of sex-change surg...
Posted by *Caprice* on Wed, 21 May 2008 08:09:00 PST

Im really sad......

I was on Facebook and there was this cute LOOKING guy who I poked. We exchanged a few messages and he gave me his MSN addy. I added him but we didn't talk for several days. I didn't contact him b...
Posted by *Caprice* on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 12:45:00 PST

The 9th Annual Transgender Day of Remembrance

..> The 9th Annual Transgender Day of Remembrance Body: The Transgender Day of Remembrance was set aside to memorialize those who were killed due to anti-transgender hatred or prejudice. The event...
Posted by *Caprice* on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 09:26:00 PST

Ontario Government shows a lack of understanding

  As a patient of the Clarke Institute's Gender Identity Clinic I was diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria. I was following the recommended criteria to be approved for Sex Reassignment Surgery (S.R...
Posted by *Caprice* on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 03:03:00 PST

being used for sex = making a living to pay for surgery

I'll tell ya; when I was young, I allowed myself to be used as (I know a lot of TS girls have experienced this too) an object of male curiosity / 'sexual' desire. I used to get with guys who wanted to...
Posted by *Caprice* on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 06:36:00 PST

So, do you have a pussy or a dick - R U pre or post op?

..> ..> I understand the interest / need to know but I think it is a personal subject. I feel that people think it's ok to discuss my genitalia (sexual organ) because I am Trans. I feel it would b...
Posted by *Caprice* on Fri, 25 May 2007 01:00:00 PST

Trash Talk Shows

..> There was nothing on TV and I saw that Jerry Springer had a Transsexual on. The show was called: 'Transensational'. When the very attractive girl revealed that she was TS, Jerry said, "So you a...
Posted by *Caprice* on Sun, 13 May 2007 08:15:00 PST


..> I have been single for a while.I get so many messages from guys sayin', "how are you single, Ma?"I want to say what's wrong with that? But I think the truth is, that I am Transgendered.I feel ...
Posted by *Caprice* on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 09:56:00 PST

Really getting personal

I was very young when I felt like I wanted to be a girl. In kindergarten 'dress up' there was a chest of clothes and I used to love putting on 'wedding' type gowns and twirling around. I was told by m...
Posted by *Caprice* on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 05:08:00 PST

The way we are treated starts from within

    This was in response to someone who wanted to meet She males and had no pic; on my group: AND......... If one wants to meet 'Shemales' I would suggest looking in the back of the Now or...
Posted by *Caprice* on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 04:56:00 PST