Scout loves Arnold Schwarzenegger profile picture

Scout loves Arnold Schwarzenegger

live. to. skank.

About Me

yo. check this. i made it. these guys rock my wednesday nights.I LOVE LUCKY SEVEN! I could never explain how much i love them, they're too awesome :)Just a friendly reminder... I MADE THIS!
Myspace Contact TablesI LOVE DR PEPPER!!!!
I love rainbows and butterflies and pretty COLOURS!
I never know what to say in these things... how can i sum up myself in this random insignificant webpage that is like one tiny little fish in an ocean of porn and various other webpages... but mostly porn :( ...oh and the fish is blue.... yea... i just decided. ;D ok
FCK FAKE PEOPLE!! If you have a brand name as ur background, a neon coloured tan, glitter writting anywhere on your profile (for some reason i really hate it) or banners saying 'shopaholic' or 'drama queen' or 'girly' or something dumb on your profile... yeah whatever. Those kinds of girls annoy me. GIRLS CAN DO REAL THINGS TOO! i'd like to challenge the idea that we all love to shop and love things that are pink and sparkly things and always want to party. Give me a gig and a beer and beaters and jeans ANY DAY OVER THAT!
I think people think that i'm a lot more of a dumb bottle blonde and a lot less of a crazy happy insanely strange person than i actually am...I love ska, rock 'n' roll, swing and rockabilly music. music is the basis of my life! I love EVERYTHING that comes from the 50's... especially hotrods. I do rock n roll/swing dancing with my best friend ANDY! hes rad i love him. I love rockabilly fashion!!!! :)
I always run around and make retard expressions like i dont really realise that other ppl might be watching me. today i was singing like a crazy woman whilst crawling up the stairs... paris nearly had a fit from laughing...
I LOVE going to local gigs. especially ska and punk. I love being in the mosh pit... skanking my ass off. its rad you should try it sometimes. I love to dance around that is pretty much what I'm doing all the time... come past boost at marion... downstairs (the better one BY FAR) you'll see what i mean) I love my job! Anything that sees you covered in fruit and smeling sweet and being all sticky.... is an awesome job! (ok weird visuals...)
YES i actually did used to train in a circus! YES I'm ACTUALLY in the ARMY RESERVES... its pretty rad people dont expect that from someone like me.
I do things for no reason.... besides the fact that it seemed like a good idea... or even coz its a really REALLY bad idea (those ideas are always the best!) I know none of u myspace kids will ever really understand that because everything has to have some meaningful reason that has to do with why ur so depressed and attention seeking but try to imagine what it might be like.(oh kim ur so witty)
i really hate all u emo kids who think ur cool coz ur rockabilly or like pinup girls. whatever you think rockabilly is you're wrong... your interpretation is missing a large dose of hick and has unfortunately substituted that for eeeeeeeeeemo. you all suck. YOU'RE A BUNCH OF CABBAGE LICKERS!.
i hate trends. I make my own. I alone follow them. I think I'm cool.
I wish I knew more people who would lobby the government or boycott slaughter houses to stop inhumane treatment of animals instead of just going vegan. Why dont you become bisexual too? its another trend for you to jump on the band-wagon.
I love my boyfriend. Hes rad. we both live our our crazy little bright coloured world. We think we're cool. HES COOL COZ HE DANCES WITH ME! I have never seen anyone learn rock n swing to such a level so quickly. Its rad! now i have TWO dance partners! (kim you dacing slut!)
Background from Yahoo search result

My Interests

Wishful Thinking - Glass Houses (Canberra, ..h '05)
Add to My Profile | More VideosHMMMMMMMMM. Rockabilly music and culture, Ska, live music. Music is my life really and I love anything I can skank to. Yeah. I love drawing too. Aaaaaand as most people know I love making weird sounds (in a non-suss sounding way people, I know some of you here have dirty dirty minds)coz I think life should have sound effects. One day im gonna do sound effects for cartoons!! Tristan knows what I meaaaan!! By the way If you don't watch out Tristin...the Dolphins WILL get you. ehehehehehehe (laughing like a mad woman)*makes dolphin sound somehow*I love anime. Anything by Hayao Miyazaki and studio ghibli. I LOVE IT (you know like spirited away, Howl's moving Castle, Laputa, Nausicaa... to name a few) aaaaaand i love BLEACH! i KNOW so geeky.... at least i have the glasses for it! ;D (Im not all geek... I know absolutely nothing about computers!)I also love to paint and to make things. I make clothes its pretty fun :)

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Z ang! Who is that, skulking out of the steppes! It is Kimmy, hands clutching a mighty sword! She cries ominously:

"I'm going to smack you like a first grade teacher, and grin like a fucking maniac!!"

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Get Your Own! | View SlideshowThe Living End make equal first with Wishful (thinking)(RIP)and LUCKY SEVEN as my favourite bands of all the world. Um I also love Sounds Like Chicken(RIP), Reel Big Fish, Mindless Self Indulgence and a heap of other stuff. Waaaaay too many to list. SKA SKA SKA... SKA SKA SKA!!! aaaaaaaand ROCKABILLY! the satelites! the jam jets. the hiptones. PEOPLE!... go get educated!


The TERMINATOR i love ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER! back to the future, empire records. I love Arnie movies as he is awesome aaaaaaand oh yeah Lilo and Stitch (Man i love that stitch dude he is awesome...wish i could eat cars and steal everyones left shoe and put my feet in my mouth and roll up stairs....)


television is illegal in my country

'What will your obituary say?' at


The Alchemist by Paulo Cohello ----- that is SUCH a beautiful book! it really is. :) I also Loke almost anything illustrated by Steven Woolman. Hes a massively talented artist FROM ADELAIDE!!! Who unfortunately died a few years ago at the age of 34. If u ever get the chance check out DREAMWALKER or WILDHEART by isobelle charmody... that is some of his best work. He really is amazing I wish I could be that amazing of an artist one day. :)


Steven Woolman, Hayao Miyazaki, chris cheney, Heidi Van Horne,sabina kelley, ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER!!! When The Camera's Off

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My Blog

safety lesson 3!

ovens are hot
Posted by Scout loves Arnold Schwarzenegger on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 02:06:00 PST

waaaay important if u go to gigs... even if you dont. (im not plugging bands i promise)

Ok so this is probably THE most important piece of information you will read all week ok! after all these reports on the news of the popularity of mp3 players causing a rise in the amount of hearing d...
Posted by Scout loves Arnold Schwarzenegger on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 12:06:00 PST

help save the world! your help is vital!

thats right! there is an endangered species out there who needs our help. Its easy and affordable and all of you can help. The species in question is called the 'ska band' and we need your help and pa...
Posted by Scout loves Arnold Schwarzenegger on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 06:38:00 PST

in reference to cabbage...

ok so heres proof that i attract weird ppl....   I was out jogging... as i do... and i was crossing the road right.... as you do and this car drove past behind me and beeped... so i turned aroun...
Posted by Scout loves Arnold Schwarzenegger on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 07:17:00 PST

Safety lesson 2

Make NOODLES not war!!!!
Posted by Scout loves Arnold Schwarzenegger on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 04:30:00 PST

cabbage 2

oh I also seem to attract a fair deal of creepy... anyone wanting a creepy friend??? anyone?? hahahaha yeah check out my last blog for an idea of what im actually talking about.... i know noone will r...
Posted by Scout loves Arnold Schwarzenegger on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 07:56:00 PST


good evening everyone. just wanted to talk about my newest job prospect..... Ever since I could remember I have been a masive magnet for extremely wierd thing... including people... ok mostly people. ...
Posted by Scout loves Arnold Schwarzenegger on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 10:43:00 PST

yeeeeah yeeeeeah everybody...

tonight i am going to the CASINO!!!! yeeeah! To see an awesome rockin band called Lucky 7.... and they're way more cooler than all ur fave emo hardcore metal crap bands because... they're rock and rol...
Posted by Scout loves Arnold Schwarzenegger on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 02:08:00 PST

safety lesson 1

ok so we all know how skate parks are nice and smooth so its easier to skate yes yes? well i'd just like to take the time to remind everyone that when it is raining that nice friendly smooth surface t...
Posted by Scout loves Arnold Schwarzenegger on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 06:20:00 PST

old old cranky ppl

i have come to the conclusion that olderly ppl are quite awesome... mainly because the other day i was catching a bus and like i was walking up the bus to a free seat when the bus started moving... no...
Posted by Scout loves Arnold Schwarzenegger on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 07:18:00 PST