Environmental crisis and the spiritual remedy |
(last week i was all fired up about the climate change issue, and i wanted to talk about it in my yoga/meditation class... so i wrote these notes:)We must be the change we wish to see in the world- Ma... Posted by on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 14:21:00 GMT |
The connection between Yoga and Tantra |
No, it is not kinky yoga-inspired sexual positions... is that what the title made you think? Yoga actually comes from Tantra- that is, Tantra is the origin of yoga. Most people don't know this, and f... Posted by on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 13:54:00 GMT |
self-reaction to "what is the deal?" |
in retrospect, i realize that my initial, seemigly mocking attitude toward sustainability in my blog was a reaction to my own obsession with it, in the same way that the punk movement was a reaction t... Posted by on Tue, 22 May 2007 20:55:00 GMT |
what is the deal with this "sustainability" hype? |
here's something i can blab about.... it seems like my whole paradigm on environmentalism and life in general is shifting due to this lecture i saw the other day entitled "future food careers--" there... Posted by on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 23:28:00 GMT |