Catching up and drinking with friends, going out for coffees and dinners, Montezuma's Mexican Restaurant - You'll never go back to Taco Bills again!! Partying at night is the best ever! I love travelling - nothing beats a roadtrip (Last year's Syd/Byron/Bris/Surfers one was best ever! Looking forward to Thailand holiday in Feb - woohoo!!
Twiggy, Nicole Kidman, Danny Bhoy, Tyra Banks, Judge Judy, Johnny Depp, Kim Cattrall and Marilyn Monroe.
I'm very much into electro house - day and night. But bring back the spice girls and I'm happy! ;-)
Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion, Empire Records, Napoleon Dynamite, Zoolander, The Little Princess, The Notebook, Billy Madison, The Lion King, Forrest Gump, Dirty Dancing, Big Daddy, Pirates of the Carribbean...
Sex & The City!!!! The West Wing, We Can be Heroes, Shopping for Love (Troy, Matt and Daina's episodes hehe), Home and Away! (of course), Desperate Housewives, Spicks and Specks, The Glass House, The Simpsons
The Devil Wears Prada, Memoirs of a Geisha, The Da Vinci Code, ...and my Dr. Seuss Collection
Victoria's Secret!
adopt your own virtual pet!
***100 Nosey Questions*** by longtallsally28
The Basics
Name: Taegan
Age: 19
Month of birth: March
Any Siblings?: Younger brother and sister
Parents still married?: Yep
Occupation: Retail (Peter Alexander)
Do you like your job?: It's pretty easy for retail. And it has pink walls! :-) Love the girls there.
Any pets?: 2 staffies
Hair color: is debateable
Eye color: Blue
Shoe size: 7-8?
Any Tattoos?: Nope
Any Piercings?: Ears and belly
Current mood: Tired & grumpy
Current wardobe choice: PJs
What are you listening to?: Potbellez
Who did you last speak with on the phone?: Troy
What do you currently smell like?: Umm....??
Movie you watched: Love Actually
Magazine you looked at: Madison
Thing you ate: Capsicum
Book you read: Memory keeper's daughter - really good!
T.v. show you watched: The Simpsons, now the O.C is starting.
Time you cried: Yesterday
Took a shower: About to now...
Got a real letter (a.k.a Snail Mail): Today (a 21st invite)
Ate at a restaurant (not fast food): with Troy - probably Montezumas so doesn't count
CD you bought: Hello... download!!?
What is/was....
The best thing to happen to you today?: Progress doing the PR for the Williamstown Festival
Your most prized possession: Shoebox full of old letters, etc
Your first vehicle: got us to Queensland and back! We love her.
Your current vehicle: Same one, Telstar, blue... that's about all I know.
Your favorite quote: "Don't tell me how to dance, I'm a prince regular"
You bedtime (on average): Not usually before midnight
Your best trait/characteristic: I can be a good listener
Your worst trait/characteristic: Being a moody cow
Do You....
Store things under your bed: Yes, who knows what though
Daydream: Yes
Have a computer at home: Who doesn't
Live in the city, suburbs or country: Suburbs
Live in a home, apartment, duples or mobile home: What is a duple?
Own a cell phone: No but I have a mobile.
Have a good luck charm: Lia's playboy earrings hehe. No I don't really. But I love my new necklace.
Collect anything: I'm good at collecting other peoples clothes hehe. No, nothing really.
Attend high school or college: Not anymore, Uni now. Boo!!!
Make good grades: Yes I'm a goody goody two shoes
Have You Ever....
Had a surgery?: Yes
Had teeth pulled?: Owwwh yes!
Broke the law intentionally: Speeding happens daily
Ran away from home?: Yes, didn't make it very far though
Broke a bone?: No
Cheated on a test/exam: Yes
Had a friend pass away: No thank god
Been issued a citation/traffic ticket: Too many parking fines to count
Been in an auto accident: Yep - not our fault though!
Lied to someone: Of course
Been lied to: Of course
Your Favorite....
Place to be: Bed
Place to visit: Many places
Place to chill: At coffee with the girls
Non-Alcoholic drink: Lemon lime and bitters
Alcoholic drink: Lemon lime and bitters + vodka... hehe!
Type of food: Mexican rates highly
Meal/Food dish: Risottos or chicken shazlicks
Dessert: Ooh I've forgotten what it's called but the Beach at Docklands make it the best!
Shampoo & Conditioner: The hairdressers
Toothpaste: Don't care
Salad dressing: Vinigairette
Ice cream: Hokey Pokey
Fast food establishment: Montezumas take-away or KFC chips
Color: Pink
Season: Spring/Summer
Holiday: Thailand!!!
Perfume/Cologne: Coco Chanel and Ralph Style
Video Game: Mariokart I think
T.V. show: Summer TV is boring
Smells: A delicious home cooked meal
Article of clothing: Changes each week
Book: Devil wears prada
Children's Book: Old hat new hat, any Dr Seuss
Candy: All
Car: Don't really care. A little one
Do You Believe....
In Karma: When it happens
In God: Probably not, who knows
In Heaven & Hell: No
That aliens exist (extraterrestrial variety, not illegal aliens): Sometimes when I'm scared
That ghosts exist: ''
In horoscopes: Not horoscopes, but I do believe in birth symbols and traits
In others you know (family, friends, co-workers etc): Trust varies
In yourself: Yes
Your Opinion....
On the death penalty: Shouldn't happen, but not that passionate to really care
On reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in schools: Whatever that means
On homosexuals in the military: If they want to, go for it!
The war in the Middle East: never ending!!!
Schwarzeneggar...Governor or Terminator: Neither
Current gas/fuel prices: They're always too much for my budget
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