Jess profile picture


It puts the lotion on its skin

About Me

Glitter My WordsHi everyone! So everyone was on my back to make a myspace page and so I finally did it! Anyways my name is Jess, I'm 19 and I'm studying journalism and monash uni. When I'm not at uni you can find me out on the town with my mates or at this dump called Safeway! Nah it's ok, the people make up for it! :) I love spending time with all my mates, they're the best and my bro and sis are pretty cool to hang out with too! You might also catch me zipping around town in my Ferrari! (Actually it's a little red corolla and it is a bit of a bomb but hey I can be very imaginative!)I don't really know what the future holds for me ... I want to go anywhere and everywhere some day so anyone who wants to go overseas just give me a buzz! Anyways that's all from me, take care!Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

My Interests

Chilling out with family and friends, ripping up the dance floor with the girls .. sleeping in whenever I can!

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet my grandpa, he did some pretty cool things back in his hey day! I think he could teach me a thing or two! Icons, Graphics, Layouts and more.


I do have a bit of a fetish for the horror movies .. The Exoricist, The Ring, all the chucky movies .. love them all! But the all time favourite is The Shawshank Redemption!


I'm a sucker for the soaps and all the cartoons! But I don't really get to watch much telly these days!


To Kill a Mockingbird was definately a good read but my all time fave book would have to be without a doubt, There's a hippopotamus on my roof eating cake! Fantastic!


It sounds so corney but my daddy! He knows so much, a lot of it is useless information but still! He's a great bloke! Also Homer Simpson and Peter Griffin must get a mention!