Hard to say, really. Other than the below, I'm all over the place from the geeky (philosophy and theoretical physics) to the pretentious (food and wine) to the bog standard (parties and live gigs) to the downright strange (map collecting.) I like anything that keeps my mind, body and senses engaged.
"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars..." -- Jack Kerouac, On The Road
Whatever's clever.
Obviously, New Zealanders get precedence, but if you're smart, funny, knowledgeable, hot or have some other redeeming quality to balance your non-New Zealandness (like the ability to juggle knives or an extra toe on your right foot) I'd love to talk to you.
In the end, I'm just the same as you. I want someone to keep me entertained for a while. I don't have any expectations beyond that.
God, I sound like a wanker. Ignore all that. Just send me a message with some random bullshit or something. That's what I'm here for, really.
I accept pretty much any add request, unless you're obviously a spambot, so go hard. It'll ask you for my last name, but if you've bothered reading my profile you'll already know it. Keeping profiles in my friends list is an easy way for me to keep track of people I'd like to talk to at some point but can't currently think of anything interesting to say. And yes, that means I'm one of those shallow people with a million Myspace "friends". Get over it, you're on Myspace, your dignity is already compromised.
Apologies for being a bit slack with replying to people recently-I'm getting a lot of mail, and I'm so busy these days that I can't often reply. I promise I'll be good and get around to it soon, though.
You should also probably read Something Awful's Myspace S.W.A.T. It will help you become a better person.
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Background image courtesy of ~digitaljames at devianTart .
A little bit of everything. Seriously. I tend to avoid stuff I percieve as "commercial", but considering that I don't listen to the radio or watch TV, my ideas of what's really commercial and what's not are generally a little off.
I've got a taste for all things downbeat and delicate, but I have been known to crank up AC/DC's Highway to Hell before a night out, too. Right now, I'm listening to (in no particular order): MogwaiPhotekGodspeed You Black EmperorSaul WilliamsSigur RosMumThe Reindeer SectionDJ VadimVOOMSimon ComberGrandmaster Flash and the Furious FiveThom YorkeTwilight SingersFly My PrettiesAnd many, many more...
I also think R. Kelly is the greatest musical genius of our age, and can't understand why people be hating on Trapped in the Closet ! After all, "The midget is the baby's daddy...woo..."
Here's what I've been playing this week:
Magnolia is my favourite movie, and I'm a fan of P.T. Anderson generally. I also like Lars von Trier, Scorsese, Lynch, Peter Jackson and anything with ninjas in it. And, of course, SNAKES ON A PLANE.
I don't watch much TV anymore. But The Wire and before that Homicide: Life on the Street were awe-inspiring. I'm also a fan of Eating Media Lunch, Little Britain, League of Gentlemen, Family Guy and The Daily Show.
I read nonstop. I'm a fan of "contemporary lit" such as Milan Kundera, Umberto Eco, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Will Self, etc I also like the odd bit of trashy fantasy, like Robin Hobb, Julian Gray, Katharine Kerr, J.R.R. Tolkien, Robert Jordan, Tad Williams, George R.R. Martin, Ursula le Guin, etc. I can also be found reading graphic novels (Alan Moore, Eddie Campbell, etc), academic philosophy and science (David Lewis, Daniet Dennett, Steven Pinker, Stephen Hawkings, Roger Penrose, etc), poetry (Walt Whitman, James K. Baxter, William Blake, Anne Sexton, Allen Ginsberg, etc) and The Classics (everything from Homer and Sir Thomas Malory to Jack Kerouac to Charles Dickens to...)
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Cliff Yablonski , Jay Maynard , Hank , Terry and these guys .
And Marguerite Perrin :
Last but not least, Serious Cat . He's fucking serious (but he always makes me smile.)