Like Clockwork Productions is a studio designed for musical recordings of all styles although we can do other things. LCP was established in 2000 as nothing more than small dream and a learning experience, it has been growing steadily every since. Before the small expansion of the studio in 2005 it was nothing more than a small mixing console and a computer. It has now grown into a three room open studio with 64 channel recordings at the some of the greatest quality you can find in the Mid-West region. LCP has worked with such artists as: SirReal, Love Letter Effect, The Acadian Velena, Amanda Leah, The Linda Smith Band and more.....Like Clockwork Productions can also design Websites, CD Art and Cover graphics, Web Advertisement Banners, Band Logos and more. Just ask if you need something done and we will see if we can help. TO SCHEDULE A RECORDING SESSION PLEASE MAKE SURE ITS AT LEAST A WEEK OR TWO IN ADVANCE OF THE DATE/DATES YOU ARE WANTING TO RECORD. DAYS TO SCHEDULE ARE LIMITED IN THE STUDIO AND THEY ARE FILLING UP FAST. Send me a message here on myspace or email me at: [email protected] to set up a session. Leave me all your contact info including NAME, NUMBER, EMAIL, etc...and also leave the tentative dates that will work for you......Thank you, LCP