Irina profile picture


Is there a light at the end of the tunnel?

About Me

Im a person who has at the moment too many flies in my room. Thats because I was sitting outside on my balcony this afternoon, enjoyed the sun, but forgot to close the doors, so this is the result. I'm not a monster, but I have to get rid of them! The other thing, which is bothering me now, that I have to do my sunday jogging session for today, but I'm not really motivated.... Maybe after get rid of the flies...Hm, in general why I am here and who I am: I read an article in a magazine about myspace, with lot of strange profiles, so why not to login self and rummage. Another reason is, I have to improve my English, so why not here?If you need another information, try to ask me, in general i don't like flies, but I like to get to know new people...

My Interests

south africa, cause I'm going to visit this country soon... if you know where the best ice cream shop is, please write me...iceland, maybe this will be another trip... so, the main question, is it as cold as it sounds?

I'd like to meet:

People who made interesting experience and know how to live in this ..... worldPeople who found their dream job...People who have tips about the world of work... to choose work which can be made a few years with enthusiasm...Or people who knew things, that must be done once in life...I'm curious...


I love music! In different ways....


yes, but not the movies on the top score cinema list....


Sometimes, but please not too much...


Oh yeah, How to get rid of flies.... No not really, but I like to read very much....


my boyfriend, cause he has the brave to have a relation with me...