labelled as ainaa prOnOunce that as eye-nuh. prOudd tO be filO. !! =DDD... im nOt afriadd tO sayy wats On myy mindd andd i dOnt care wat the haterz think about mee..and i thinkk i laugh toO muChh xDD Ooh wells.. andd i LOVE lemme sayy thatt again.. LOVE my life =DDD i have an Obsession with dancingg so wen a gOod sOng cOmes On i start sayying *im feelin` it yO im feelinn it XD thenn jst startt dancingg =DDD i alsO have a fascination with the states and their accents lols.. wells thatts fOr now aiights seeya
im a veryy emOtiOnal person. i laugh at the LAMEST things. im knOwn for my randOm`ness and agressive`ness =DD. i tend tO hOld On real tight, and never wanna let gO. im rOughh!..nOt shyy, athletic. i lOve myy jamaika, jinger, jOeyy, celinaa, jessii, jennifer and lindaaa like crazyyy and never EVER forgett my babyy girl katee!!! muhahaha... i lOve themm tO bitss and if anyone so much as hurts a hair on their head! ill fuckinn KILL YOU Oohkaiissss lols.. wells if i didn't alreadyy scare yOu off with everything i've saiid u cann add mee aiight... im usuallyy i nice persOn
add mee On msn!!
[email protected] lOve my familyy
i lOve my friends
i lOve my life
i lOve LOVE