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hey, i love all of my friends very much. thank you guys for being there for me even though i act like an jerk alot. but yeah, i love you guys. oh yeah, and thanks for helping me out all these years. if it wasn't for you all who knows where the hell i would be =]I try to respond to every comment I get, but if i don't then don't take it personal!
Though if you say something interesting, I will comment back!I post way too many bulletins and if you dont like it, delete me.
my shit ... yeah im on my skateboard shit !!! dc hoody on my skateboard shit ! Krew denim on my skateboard shit !! how he skateboard and he stay so crisp !!!
My life is like a movie .... fast car'z , celebrity'z , model braudz and yeah yeah yeah more money more money !!!!
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