For Gods Sake profile picture

For Gods Sake

I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

How does anybody really talk about their self? i guess if it needs to be done than it should be done well. I live in Michigan, its not the worst state i could live in but its definately not the best... Its got to be better than living in south Dakota... or Idaho.Theres lots of places left in the world to discover. even though, there are countries and borders all defined. discovery is unique to people. You can climb a rock face that a hundred thousand other people climbed but once you get to the top you are at a new place..I think thats what i really want out of life is to get past the average way of thinking and just look at the world differently....I just realized not too long ago that there are soooo many people that live out their lives, every day, and they dont even question it. I guess because there is nothing to question.. at least....thats what theythink...

My Interests

The order and sequence in which these items were typed in is in direct relation to my spontaneous brainwaves and the conspirical mass that we call life... Fire,smoke, computers, Diet DrPepper, Surf, Sharks, amputation, cellular phones, automated answering machines, dryers, Soul Calibur, seinfeld, Guitars, violins, mandolins, cellos, the cornicopia of music and more, masks, candy, trip wire, bonsai plants, your C:/ drive, My G:/ drive, clay, mexico, the ocean, quarks, bottle openers, toothpaste, stones, windows, reality (not), Harry potter, fingernail clippings, ahhhh real monsters, turtles that live over 100, burned cds, stolen music, junk droors, trinkets, nick nacks, paddy whacks, give me a bone, Ciggarettes, eggplants, cactus's and cones, tobassco, felines, lions and tigers, and bears... oh my. the boggy man, tin cans, tylenol and tyes,

I'd like to meet:

Girls that listen to good music. A drummer for my band. Friends in all 50 states so i can take my road trip...elementryanarchy


Where to begin? i guess i can start at these cross roads. I like 3 general types of music. but im definately not limited to them. Metal/hardcore/chugcore/deathmetal, some grind. Black Dahlia murder (and yea, they're LOCAL for me) Langworthy, At the gates, Fall, Love lost but not forgotten, Underoath, undying, Between the Burried and Me, Prayer for Cleansing, ark angel, seven angels seven plagues, misery signals, joshua fit for battle, bloodjinn, I have dreams, promise of restoration, atrium (old school), You and I, As the sun sets, Daughters, A days refrain, Neil perry, Children of Boden, Dimu Borgir, Paint the sky red (2 songs), i guess i have to say fordiarlifesake, remembering never, american nightmare, everytime i die, Darkest hour, Alexisonfire, Boy sets fire, Foresight hardcore (fuck yea), Jairus, the agony scene, dead elizabeth, summer dying, The breathing process, HORSE the band, Deluge, Unearth, As i lay dying, haha BROKEN BY SILENCE (which i jsut found on my puter) ned this day, Embrace the end. bury your dead, Two stars burning sun, And thats jsut hardcore!xTechx: Infected mushroom, paul O (i dont care what you haters say) digweed, orbital, matmos, Aphex twin, lots of JUNGLE (aka Darkslide) aphrodite, square pusher, Dj-laz, Dj frankie bones,Hip Hop: Deltron3030, Swollen Members, Jurrassic 5, Dead prez, Dialated peoples. Even more... Blind melon is amazing, folk implosion, spoon, tim reynolds, cailifornia guitar trio


American History X, Clockwork Orange, Donnie Darko, SLC punk, Kids, Hackers, The Crow, Go, Groove, Human Traffic, All the lord of the rings, Bully, Run lola run, Requiem for a dream, Fight club, Office space, Cheech and chong (up in smoke), friday, Taxi Driver, Waterworld, Dark city, Dazed and confused, 28 days later, Ace ventura, Full metal jacket,


Old school telvision was the best. not any of this reality bull shit. Alf, friends, seinfeld, first wave, salute your shorts, Fraggle Rock, That 70's show, robot chicken, familyguy


Animal farm- Orewell, The beach- Garland, Time line- Crighton The doors of perception -Huxley

My Blog

If your a "good' drummer then WE would make a good band.

you know drummers are sooo hard to come by, especially good ones that like to play high velocity, metal. Im trying to bring my project. (actually just me and a few vocalists) into the light. all i nee...
Posted by For Gods Sake on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST