Philippe profile picture


Forget the Old- don't act so cold...

About Me

Life is like the surf, so give yourself away like the sea- An Idle Mind is the Devil's Workshop- Ben M- (a homeless guy that still has his hopes)Loves: 93 Phillies... Laser Beams.. Pizza... Theme Songs.... Miller Lite... A-Team... Bars... Pirates... Kill Brand Clothing... Tylenol PM... Top Gun... Fashion... Painting.... Surfing.... Dogs.... Beautiful Girls.... Dorky Video Games.... LKJ...... 80's Music..... Philadelphia Eagles..... Fishing.... Keytar.... Beach... Bass Guitar.... My wingman Jesus..... Homeless People that are always Optimistic..... Crispers.... Neverending story..... Scion Xb..... Bartending.... Wednesday Night Style..... Christmas Season................................... Olivia and Harley................. camping....... art......HATES Ex-girlfriends... Lectures.... Waking Up Early.... Liars.... Being Poor..... People that make fun of other people for no reason..... . Tools.... Broken Stuff..... Bills.... Dallas Cowboys.... Insomnia..... Strip Clubs..... Cleaning out the dishwasher.... Clingy Girls..... Mayonnaise..... Backstabbing Friends..... Failing..... Stubbing your toe.....HalloweenTown

Add to My Profile | More Videosthat was for Neil and Lauren!

My Interests

Mastering new locations- It's going to take awhile NYC!

I'd like to meet:

Party Stars and Badass lasses...................................................... ............................................................ ............ A beautiful girl can make you dizzy, like you've been drinking Jack and Coke all morning. She can make you feel high with the single greatest commodity known to man--promise. Promise of a better day. Promise of a greater hope. Promise of a new tomorrow. This particular aura can be found in the gaze of a beautiful girl. In her smile, in her soul, how she makes every rotten little thing about life seem like it's going to be okay.


Alkaline trio, Bad Religion, Big Wig, Blink 182, Bouncing Souls, Cartel, Cold Play, Cure, darkness, Dashboard Confessional, Death Cab for Cutie, Elvis Costello, Face to Face, The Faint, Fairweather, Finch, Getup Kids, Hellogoodbye, Not Trisha, Hot Rod Circuit, The Jealous Sound, Jimmy eat World, Junction 18, Louvax, Lawerence Arms, Lagwagon, Me First, Motion City soundtrack, NFG, No Motiv, NOFX, OAR, Op Ivy, Piebald, Postal Service, Ramones, Rancid, Riding Bikes, Rooney, Rufio, Saves the day, Senses Fail, Smiths, Social Distortion, Starting Line, Taking Back Sunday, Thrice, Tokyo Rose, U2, Unsung Zeros, Uptown Sinclare, When In Rome- so many more though


Bottlerocket, Rushmore, Casshern, I heart huckabees, orgazmo, Wet Hot american Summer, Starsky and Hutch, Dodgeball, Anchorman, Zoolander, Napoleon Dynamite, Akira, Battle Royale, Saving Private Ryan,Top Gun, Big Fish, and a lot of other ones- i'm the worst ex film student ever!


I don't have TV in my place- can I come over to watch the entourage?


A Heartbreaking Work of a Staggering Genius- Outsiders- run to the sun- Rich Dad poor Dad, Art of the start-


Neil California On a Good Day-

My Blog

Women and Tipping! Please kindly go to hell

Now Im not going to be so bold and say all women can't tip because I know plenty that understand that servers need to make money. So if I say women it's just a generalization. FUCK WOMEN AND FUCK "GIR...
Posted by Philander on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 12:15:00 PST

TAG!- Lisa made me do this i swear

Each player of this game starts with writing 6 weird things/habits about themselves and then selects 6 others to write a blog about their 6 weird things/habits as well as state this rule clearly. Afte...
Posted by Philander on Mon, 08 May 2006 02:46:00 PST

I'm joing PETA!!!!!!

APRIL FOOLS- sorry it's so lateFuck PETA- PETA Sucks-They are extremists! I love animals and would never want to hurt any but these people just take things too far...Last week I watched a movie about ...
Posted by Philander on Wed, 05 Apr 2006 08:59:00 PST


I love it here. I have been having a good time so far. Bonefish Grill screwed me over because the guy there is an asshole. They wanted me to cut my hair and he basically called me a girl. Oh well beca...
Posted by Philander on Fri, 20 Jan 2006 04:35:00 PST

Rocking out

I'm totally rocking out..........hard.......for serious..........I am.......
Posted by Philander on Wed, 09 Nov 2005 10:09:00 PST


It's 3:30 in the morning and i can't sleep- It's not that I have been thinking about anything that would be keeping me up, but on the other hand I don't think about much as it is. I think it's just my...
Posted by Philander on Mon, 24 Oct 2005 12:41:00 PST


When we hit the ground running on empty- stories we've been told- and the nights we spent together never felt so fuckin cold- when we left the car runnin in the driveway- kiss you one last time- ...
Posted by Philander on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

3:03 am A-HA reduex

It's 3:03 and I'm listening to A-Ha again- They seriously might be one of my favorite bands- i gave some other songs a chance and they rock so hard! Take on me is still a milestone but Stay on these r...
Posted by Philander on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


OK i have been listening to A-Ha all night long- I know what you are thinking- Philander have you been listening to Take on Me over and over again because that is their only good song? and the answer ...
Posted by Philander on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Rocking out

I've been up since 6:30am!! I think i'm going crazy! I basically just started typing random things to random people and making random bulletins. I'm going to rock out right now and fix myself a badass...
Posted by Philander on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST