My favorite thing to do right now is read. I love working on projects. I'm in the process of making a collage of a dream that I had. I love going to the movies. I adore cooking with friends. Click here for Myspace glitter graphics and Myspace layouts
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My mom as a teenager, Bono, Benjamin Franklin
There are too many to mention all of them so i'll just go with what i've been listening to lately. U2-#1 , 80's new wave, Damien Rice , Ingrid Michaelson, Dashboard Confessionals, Arcade Fire, Jimmy Eat World, The Cure, Architecture in Helsinki (thank you Rachel), Sunny Day Realestate, Hum.....etc
#1 Braveheart, ALL Star Wars, LOTR Trilogy, 80's movies (YEAH! Brat Pack & John Cusak), The Last of the Mohicans, Three Amigos, Pirate Movies (#1 Captain Blood), Adventures of Robin Hood, Evolution, Cartoon Movies (DISNEY!, The Last Unicorn, Ferngully, Chipmunk Adventure), Silent Film...etc
Not too much t.v. BBC Robin Hood , Lost, Heroes, Chuck, Food Network, Discovery Channel, History Channel, nerd cartoons such as TMNT, Animainiacs , Tinytoons, The Tick 80's cartoons, Naruto and Inuyasha (I know but we can't all be perfect)
Jane Austen Novels, Jane Eyre, Shakespeare, Jasper Fforde books,The Looking Glass Wars , , Recently read Dishwasher, Redeeming Love, Tracie Peterson books, nerd books like X-Men, G.I JOE , Batman, The New Avengers
My mom, Gambit , Robin Hood, Dishwasher Pete