djkevingr profile picture


the situation is........ .................klain main

About Me

new fuckin wave buscuit slut... egomaniac prog whore... hellenic splashing attitude... pfffff...i dont trust anythin that bleeds 4 like 5 days + doesnt die in the end!!!evah !!! ;) RELIGION FREAK ----- -------..................................................... ............................................................ ....................................This profile was edited with MySpace Help - Profile Creator and Editor MySpace Profile Help!

My Interests

a lil bit of basketball... a lil bit of modeling... a lil bit of dj-ing... a lil bit of travelling... a lil bit of cinemaniac... ;) {lets not forget...pc addicted!!}

I'd like to meet:

dikembe mutombo!!


progressive/electro house............ + rnb from time2time!


scent of a woman... saw {+2}... blade {+2+3}... requiem for a dream... rebound!!


friends... southpark... lost...


u fuckin kidding me.. :D i look like some1 who reads??


every greek!!!!!!!!!!..........WHY??WHY WE LIKE BEING GREEK?? Because we invented theater. Because we gave birth to Democracy. Because we always make it, albeit in the last moment. Because Socrates, Plato and Aristotel were Greek. Because Homer wrote Iliad 3500 years ago and Hollywood turned it into a movie just recently Because 40% of Oxford dictionary is made up with Greek words Because, with our (Olympic) light, we unite the world and pass the message of peace. Because the Olympic games and that means the first sports in world were born in Greece. Because the first Gods peeps ever believed too were the 12 Greek Gods of Olympus. Because when we want to sunbathe, we go to the beach, we don't crawl on grass or jump into mountains Because 97% of the stars' names are Greek. Because we gave our ancient alphabet to the Romans and our medieval alphabet to the Slavs. Because we are proud of our culture, not of our wars Because when we were building the Parthenon, the others were still sleeping on trees.Because the first doctor in the world thousand years before Jesus was Hipocrat and he was Greek. Because "alpha-beta-gama" is a sentence to ancient greek language and its fuc