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Read the rest of the info. That might explain a bit.

About Me

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My Interests

Economics,finance, music, movies, partying...

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Rock, ska, electro, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Hives, Franz Ferdinand, The Strokes, Ramones, White Stripes, Attaque 77, Dos Minutos, Soda Stereo, The Knife, Depeche Mode, New Order, Kraftwerk, New Trols, Le Orme, Premiata Forneria Marconi, Moby, Bjork, The Cure...


Godfather I, II, American Psycho, Wall Street, Ferris Buller Day Off, Apocalipse Now, The Firm, The Rainmaker, Karachter, Run Lola Run, Per un pugno di dollari,The Royal Tenenbaums, Scarface, The Fraud, Barbarians at the Gate, Lord of War, House of Flying Daggers


Lost and Mr Borat


Art of War by Sun Tzu, Michael Crichton's, Scott Turrow's, Macunaíma, Memorias Postumas de Brás Cubas, O Grande Mentecapto, Cien años de soledad, Entre tapas e pontapés, Chatô, Nelson Rodrigues.