how trite. how naieve.
how grateful i must be ...
to be, as you see, me;
in this poetic reprieve.
i dare you to not be afraid for just one day.
try it.
just for a single day, dont be paranoid or distressed.
dont act like a terrified and doomed, cowardly animal.
because that is the day that you will see who and what has held you back all this time ...
on that day, id like to meet you.
Got something to say about it?
AFI, LTJ, APC, NIN, MSI, Cr@ss, hmm...
wait. do you really care?
the "Quatsi" trilogy, the usual suspects, super troopers, starship troopers, the game, AVP, MIB, the butterfly effect, army of darkness, vanilla sky, evolution, the matrices, snatch, 12 monkeys, office space and many, many more
Da Ali G show, Boondocks, ATHF, the Colbert Report, and House M.D.
snow crash & the diamond age
harry potter
i, Lucifer & death of an ordinary man
a light in the attic & the giving tree
tales of power
equations of eternity
why we buy
prey & sphere
charlie and the chocolate factory
johnny got his gun
brave new world
black coffee blues
20, 000 leagues under the sea & journey to the center of the earth
revenge of the baby-sat & yukon ho!
the courage to stand alone
on the road
if the rocks could speak
guide to getting it on
stupid white men
and yes, i did read [and enjoy] all of these
H.S. Thompson,
M. Hedberg,
D. Hume,
I. Kant,
J. Kerouac,
L. DaVinci,
S. Dali,
T. Shakur,
A. Warhol,
C. Castaneda,
S. Silverstein
Martin Luther,
and BMW I.
LIVING: Greg Graffin,
Brad Pitt,
George Carlin,
Stan Lee,
and Sam Fogarino.