Being around my friends and family and the peolple i love and trying to enjoy ourselves! Hangin out drinking lots of tea courtesy of Dave, Gaz and Luke. Meeting new people.Motorcycling which i miss since i sold my bike so feel free to get intouch if you wanna donate and help me get a new one.
Id like to meet anyone with something interesting to say or who is completley different to me. Or people who like soft fabrics and bright colours....!Or anyone blonde answers on a postcard please.
Firstly i like all music my main passion is punk like Rancid, Sex Pistols, UK Subs, The US Bombs, Die Hunns, The Business, The Clash you get the picture. But also abit of Funk, Jazz and you cant beat a bit of classic rock like AC/DC, Recently been gettin into Rockabilly and Psychobilly. Oh yeh and Johnny Cash rules. Also Flight of the Conchords representing!
All sorts enjoying zombie movies at the moment, but no shit blockbusters like pirates of the carribiean god that was a load of shite.
Anything that make me laugh, Peepshow, The Boosch, Green Wing, Flight of the Conchords, Bad documentries on the History channel and anything on the discovery channel were nature collides and theres lots of blood!Or anything on the discovery channel with motorcycles!again i want a new bike.
Just started reading I am Legend after the film left me confused, also got some others to read. Mostly read the Star though
Rhymenocerous and Hip-Hop-oppotamus & COBRAS!