Playing the bass guitar, writing, lying, guilt, hiding from people, smartaleck replies to perfectly reasonable questions, geekery, hubris, frippery, flippancy, hand-to-hand combat, baking, stoicism, cynicism, gushing sentiment, espionage, petting zoos, gravity, old things, witchcraft, spheres, garlic, cats
Nice people. Who won't punch me or mock my walk.
Anyone who can teach me
a) ninja skills
b) slight of hand conjuring
c) the cello
Woodland creatures.
Sebadoh, Guitar Wolf, The Fall, Nirvana, Madvillain, Pixies, The Stooges, Syd Barrett, Nick Drake, MF DOOM, The Smzmps, Hoffman (RIP), The Pipettes, Howling Bells, The Stooges, Sloan, The Birthday Party, Madlib, Public Enemy, Hijack, Husker Du, Grant Hart,
A Matter of Life and Death, Metropolis, Bride of Frankenstein, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Night of the Hunter
Doctor Who, Sapphire and Steel, Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Arrested Development, The Daily Show, Brass Eye, Trailer Park Boys, Heroes, Life on Mars
Exterminator!, His Dark Materials, Nights at the Circus, Amphigorey, Saki
Lou Barlow, Tom Baker, Vic Reeves, Angela Carter