Danny, King of the Sleepy profile picture

Danny, King of the Sleepy

I am here for Friends

About Me

Your results:
You are Spider-Man Spider-Man 85% Green Lantern 70% Catwoman 60% Supergirl 60% Hulk 60% The Flash 60% Robin 55% Superman 55% Iron Man 45% Wonder Woman 40% Batman 30% You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...

My Interests

Playing the bass guitar, writing, lying, guilt, hiding from people, smartaleck replies to perfectly reasonable questions, geekery, hubris, frippery, flippancy, hand-to-hand combat, baking, stoicism, cynicism, gushing sentiment, espionage, petting zoos, gravity, old things, witchcraft, spheres, garlic, cats

I'd like to meet:

Nice people. Who won't punch me or mock my walk.

Anyone who can teach me a) ninja skills b) slight of hand conjuring c) the cello

Woodland creatures.


Sebadoh, Guitar Wolf, The Fall, Nirvana, Madvillain, Pixies, The Stooges, Syd Barrett, Nick Drake, MF DOOM, The Smzmps, Hoffman (RIP), The Pipettes, Howling Bells, The Stooges, Sloan, The Birthday Party, Madlib, Public Enemy, Hijack, Husker Du, Grant Hart,


A Matter of Life and Death, Metropolis, Bride of Frankenstein, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Night of the Hunter


Doctor Who, Sapphire and Steel, Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Arrested Development, The Daily Show, Brass Eye, Trailer Park Boys, Heroes, Life on Mars


Exterminator!, His Dark Materials, Nights at the Circus, Amphigorey, Saki


Lou Barlow, Tom Baker, Vic Reeves, Angela Carter

My Blog

New 'Here For' Profile Categories

I'm sure there's a whole raft of other reasons you'd be on MySpace other than the ones offered - 'Friends, Dating, Serious Relationships'... Can we have some other options such as Here for: A Fight, M...
Posted by Danny, King of the Sleepy on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 09:24:00 PST


Hello... a few days late with this but me and Matt Pearce made it out to the Lock-Up last Thursday. Rehearsal itself, while naturally very tentative (this was the first time that actual instruments we...
Posted by Danny, King of the Sleepy on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 04:55:00 PST

NEW BAND!!!!!! NEW BAND!!!!!! NEW BAND!!!!!!!

Hey... Tomorrow night marks the inaugural practice of NEW BAND!!!!! of no fixed name, repertoire, personnel.... basically Matt Pierce and I are going to make a bunch of noises with amplifiers and see ...
Posted by Danny, King of the Sleepy on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 12:23:00 PST