I dont like people.I SAID!!!!!!!!!Oh yeah...I ain't changing my TOP friends...The people that are there are there for a reason....Stop stressin' me about it
Not you! Isht...You looked better on MySpace! Old Friends, New Friends, and Ya MamaFRIEND REQUESTS: It is said that time is your most valuable asset. Thanks for dropping in and spending time browsing my page. Because my time is valuable, I don't like to waste it. I am here on My Space to find friends that I have not seen in years and to meet new "friends". According to dictionary.com a friend is: 1.) A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts. 2.) A person whom one knows; an acquaintance. 3.) A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.All of my "friends" on my page falls into at least one of the 3 categories above. I won't accept any friend requests if you are just a random person clicking for friends.FYI...Thanks LaTosha
JSUN, EDP, Amber Dante, The NUGG$, and TVega$Cali's newest R&B sensation!!
Oh and her....Definately HER!
And as for my MySpace Background...That is my Georgia Homegirl Carol Marika. Show my people some love.
Carol Marika-- http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewpro
I don't like people and there are too many people at the movie theater.
Law and Order, L and O SVU, L and O CI
Millionaire Habits, Rich Dad Poor Dad
My StepDad...BOB STARKS R.I.P. September 20, 2006