NSEA Data file: Senior Chief Petty Officer Ingersol, Guy 'Roc'
Security Chief Guy 'Roc' Ingersol’s career was a shaky one. He graduated at the bottom of his class. His early postings were mostly to star bases and outposts before he finally received his first commission aboard a starship, the N.S.E.A. Traveler, he was soon transferred to another ship just before it was lost in the Beta section of the galaxy.
He served aboard many starships serving as a security crewman, class six, aboard many ships including the Venture, the Rebellious, the Starsearcher, the Ulysses, the Kennedy, the Concord, and the Xavier before he received a commission aboard the Protector. He did his best aboard the ship, and outlasted many other security crewman that were lost on missions that the Protector headed.
A promotion to Senior Chief Petty Officer, a position as Chief Tactical and Security Officer aboard the Protector, as well as the nickname ‘Roc,’ after he displayed great courage and leadership during Sarris/thermian incident.