Quotes from my friends!!
"So i totally feel like sword fighting, with giant pixie sticks in maple valley!
fosho, you know how we do!.."
"so do we only get to use the little glasses for orange juice?....thats not even enough vitamin c to last me all day!!"
"do we even have enough eggs for breakfast? do we have to cut the baccon in half and share? to save bread we should use the garlic bread from last night for toast!"
"I..'m a bad brotha.
Word to the mothafucka."-Katie
"He..'s like an old man... in a wheel chair... with a breathing mask :)"
.."its like an explosion of flavor.
im not sure why though..."
Butch wallker.
Conor Oberst.
Comment :]
music that makes you smile :)
the perks of being a wall flower!
Katie. Jackie. Sam. Megan. Stephanie. Matt. Jeremy. Dan. Jason. Andre. Levi. Michaela. Carly. Haley. Rachel. Aaron