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The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level Score
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) High
Level 2 (Lustful) Very High
Level 3 (Gluttonous) Very Low
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) Very Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) Very High
Level 7 (Violent) Very High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) High
Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test
"and, from your freudian de-construction of my dream, i can see your psychological power. perhaps instead of sociology, you'd like psychology more.i'm kidding. please don't hit me." -eric, circa 2001
i am interested in damn near everything. i like non-pretentious pontificating, if that is at all possible (it's a little rare, i think) and people not using bell hooks's name with capital letters -- that makes me a little frustrated, like it's a typo or something.
things i like:
i love doing critical analysis of anything and everything, including my "self." i appreciate good conversation, informed debate, social constructionism, postmodernism, activism, feminism, socialism, nihilism, real anti-racism, other isms, music, politics, fighting the controls of higher education, civil disobedience, writing, reading, sleeping, drinking, and on and on..
things i don't like:
huge pet peeve of mine: do NOT say my name at the end of every or any sentence. it's condescending, rude, and patronizing. other pet peeves include, but are not limited to: biological determinists, mis or uninformed debate, yelling, violence, loss of control, inability to deal with loss of control, bad smells, cheese that tastes like feet, homophobia, ignorance, complacency, institutionalized and perpetual racism and misogyny -- the list goes on.
and i love my partner. but that's obvious.
check it:
click me for random bookage
Does anyone remember "prairie home invasion"? And i'm not talking about the original.. i mean the album jello biafra and mojo nixon did together. there was a song on it called "nostalgia for an age that never existed." I'm finding it more and more difficult to read anything.. ANYTHING.. without thinking of this song. i can't read social control literature.. i can't read goffman.. i can't read corrections literature.. i can't read the real news or the mainstream news without thinking of this song. i think i have a disorder.
Also.. you know what's cool? being able to walk into a bar and walk up to someone and say "hey, go play pull my strings" and they say "why can't you?" and you say "because i'm broke" and they give you a dollar. and when you ask if they have any personal requests, they tell you pull my strings is enough. that rocks
these are the things that make me happy: reading, listening to good music, knowing good people, talking good politics, writing good politics, inciting peace activists to get violent because they're too cowardly to do anything.. loving pissing off the peaceworks people.. causing a stir.. making people listen, whether they like it or not... listening to jawbreaker and jets to brazil.. kicking people who play johnny cash on the juke box.. breaking up fights between cops and homeless people.. telling cops no one is questioning their authority (in said fight) and them still yelling about pissing in the alley, and then several of us going and pissing in the alley.. free cigarettes.. free alcohol.. free anything.. fighting the importance of property.. fighting globalization.. reading about globalization and immigration rights and trying to work them into my masters thesis.. vonnegut.. sleep.. beer.. rumplemintz.. talking to people fresh out of iraq.. talking to street kids.. giving people free food.. and so on. (So it goes.)If I could remember how to write, I would put something useful here.
Instead, I suggest everyone check out and
have some quotes for now!
.. I'll add something if I think of something .. for now though, courage..
"there are some things in this life you just weren't meant to understand, jen.. and reya's sexuality is one of them" -anna
"He believes in rational choice theory but also biological determinism"
"So he's essentially the ontological snake eating its own tail?"
Justin: Crap, I gotta go catch the short bus.
hahaha j/k
Justin: It seriously is!
"Did you actually just say something positive about yourself?"
"yeah, but it was a lie."