So you've noticed that I don't have any photos of myself posted! That's great, you get a gold star for observation, but you don't need to e-mail me or post a comment telling me I should post pics of myself. It's not going to happen right now, and pestering me about it won't make me do it. There's no nefarious reason behind this, I just value my privacy and would like to be able to relax a bit on here.Need Photos? I'm getting into photography more, and I'm looking for guys 18 and older who want to model. There is no charge to you and you get copies of your photos on CD. I'm not a professional photographer, I'd consider myself more of a serious student. We can do anything from simple head shots to body shots to artistic nudes--it's up to you. So if you're local (in/around Portland, Oregon) and have grown tired of those crappy cell phone or mirror shots, let me know and maybe we can arrange something. My studio is in Portland. I can send you samples of my work if you're local and are serious about posing.Friend Requests: I like to add people from a variety of backgrounds to my friends list. I'm usually pretty open about adding people who request it--but seriously, what's up with the requests from 14 year old girls? If I sent you an add request, that means something about your profile interested me. It could be something you wrote, your interests, art, photos, whatever. Or maybe you're just eye candy to dress-up my page. It doesn't mean I want to be your best friend or anything, it's just a MySpace list, okay? And if you're one of those people who freak out when a stranger sends an add request--get over it.Spam Bulletins: If spam bulletins start getting posted from your account ("$500 Abercrombie Shopping Spree," "Easy Money," "Free Ringtones," etc., ) because someone phished your password and you're too lazy to go in and change it, I will delete you from my friends list (and a lot of the other people on your friends list will, too). I usually try to warn people about this before deleting them. And if by chance you start getting spam from me, let me know and I'll correct the problem.