Bienvenu Mes Amis, Merry Meet,Welcome. My name is CreoleMoon LittleFoot. I consider myself an Eclectic Witch, a Knowledge Seeker, a Healer, a Wandering Shaman/Xamã,a Moon-Gypsy an Artist. I am a Gemini/The Hawthorn(symbolizing the manifestation of the Spirit),born on the cusp of Taurus, "The Cusp of Energy," I was born on May 23rd. On this day the Sun enters the Sign of Gemini. My Taurus is rising in Moon(Lunar Taureans). I have a Sagittarius Ascendant. My ruler is in Mercury.I am born under Gemini Decante, the week of FREEDOM; influenced by the planets Mercury(the giver of wisdom) and Venus(the giver of love and beauty). I am a Gemini governed by the Element of Air. The element of Air represents East, symbolizing the light of wisdom and consciousness. My force of energy is represented by the Archangel Raphael, presiding over the Season of Spring. This Archangel's name means "The Shining One Who Heals. For every aspect or cycle of time, there is an Angel who guards and directs spiritual lessons or karmic events. In particular,Ambriel is the Angel of May and Spring and primarily rules the Sign of Gemini. Ambriel encourages humankind to awaken inner potential.
I am here to spread POSITIVE spiritual ENERGY. I believe there are many paths to a Spiritual Higher force, being, goddess and or god. I pull inspiration from several ancient traditions, in hopes of enlightening my spirit and those around me. I also pull INSPIRATION from the BEAUTY I see within people, art, music, nature..and so many other WONDERFUL things life has to offer.
I like to travel beyond my own boundaries, seeking Truth wherever it can be found. I like weaving what I have learned with whatever I already know, and conveying that understanding to all who have ears to hear and eyes to see. Creolemagik would like to guide your energy to positive levels in order to enrich your life.
I follow Metaphysics:
Metaphysics is the study of the power of the mind, beyond the physical world. The Metaphysics of Philosophers view the cosmology of the universe or how things came to be.
Metaphysics encompasses space-time relationships it is also used in order to overcome limited thinking and for personal growth.
Metaphysics is the study of Eastern Philosophies, Western Philosophies, Kabalistic Studies, Earth religions, Wicca and the Grail Mysteries.
Metaphysics recognizes that Spiritual Growth and Personal Growth go together. Metaphysics realizes that you have Free Will so you must take personal responsibility for your actions.
Metaphysics believe that: "As you believe in your heart so are you."
Metaphysics believes that what you send out (energy) comes back to you. Metaphysics believe that ill health is not a punishment but a part of Life*s experience.
Metaphysics believe that everything has a consciousness and both a positive and negative energy and is bound by Universal law.
Napoleon Hill once stated; "What so ever the mind of human can conceive and believe s/he will achieve." Remember you are responsible for SELF. If you are unhappy about something, change it. Go within to see what is important to you, and what motives make you feel this way. Get to know yourself. Look within yourself for your healing. This is a universal message.
Creolemagik(TM) is a Spiritual Boutique. We currently take part in art, trade, music, and non-profit organization shows/events around the United States. Consequently, our services and items have extended as far as Ireland, London, Asia and the Carribean. We offer hand-made spiritual supplies, resources, and information. In addition to our spiritual supplies and information, we offer, to those on a path of enlightened growth, a broad selection of holistic and spiritual classes, hand-made art, Feng Shui, Shamanism workshops and other such related special services.