Christen profile picture


About Me

To experience Lost without Hope is unthink able. My little sister Morgan Brittany Winkfield passed september 6th 2007. Through God i pull my strength. He is such an awesome God! My sisters life is a testimony of His Grace and Love! I love you Morgan always!I love God, I love my family and friends I love salsa dancing I cant get enougth of traveling especialy in Latin America me encanta mi gente adaptado! I love working with youth and spreading the word that we have so much power in our youth to stand up for Jesus Christ and really do something, really effect our generation we hold the media, popular culture, and outlook in the palm of our hands why not use that power we have to turn millions of people to Christ and show the world that youth can live a happy fun and righteous life! heart layout @ HOT

My Interests

All About Me Survey
First The Basics..
Name: Christen
Birthday: 84 and you dont need to kno no mo
Hometown: Cincy
Restaurant: Chipoltle
Drink: Guava y Pina liquado
Holiday: Christmas
Car: Honda Accord
Place I've Been: Im going to have to go with Puerto Rico tambien
Thing to Do On A Warm Summer Day: Sit on the porch listen to the birds meditate
Thing To Do On A Rainy Afternoon: Romantic Comedy Marathon
Movie: hmmm I think its still Lord of the the Rings its an epic adventure you must see it Go Froto Go!
Song: Amazing Grace
TV Show: Grey..'s Anatomy
Perfume/Cologne For The Opposite Sex: Still Curve I dont what it is but it drives me crazy lol
Flower: red rose
Are You Romantic?
Last Time You Had A Candle Lit Dinner? In Juarez Mexico with about 14 people (the candle stick holder was 3 slices of bread! Yeah ghetto)
Went For A Walk On The Beach With The One You Love? Hmm does my best friend count lol
Last Time You Bought/Recieved Flowers? For/From Who? Bought flowers for my momy..'s B day I love you ma
Ever Kissed in The Rain? Most likely yes lol
Who Was The Last Person You Kissed? Man do i even remember?
Are You In Love? With the Lord Jesus
Sweetest Thing Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend Has Ever Done For You? Man I havent had one in a min but i would say bringing a single rose to my job when I had to work on Valentines day and stealing a first kiss in the middle of party supplies lol
Sweetest Thing You Did For Them? just being me is sweet enough lol
How Many..
Tattoos Do You Have? none almost got a secret one I was going to hide from eveyrone but chickened out
Piercings Do You Have? 5 i think lol I got carried away mid 90..'s with the ear piercings
Have You Ever..
Been Skinny Dipping? nope my goodies are for my future husband to see only :)
Been Skydiving? nope
Been Outside Of The US? do you know me? lol China Guatemala, Mexico Puerto Rico Argentina and Uruguay and the list grows glory to God
Random Thoughts..
Do You Have Any Regrets In Life? Oh yes but Romans tells me that they all work to my good becuse I love the Lord amen!
What Is Your Favorite Memory? Family vacation in Martha..'s Vineyard
Place You Would Like To Travel To? Spain
Idea Job In A Perfect World? something where I can speak spanish and do ministry and get paid for it! Its not just an idea but an I claim it reality
Ever Want To Drive A Race Car? seeing as how i can hardly drive my own car no
Your Weakness? pride
Last Thought Before You Fall Asleep? God..'s goodness
What The Future Holds..
Do You Want To Get Married? Oh yeah!
Do You Want To Have Children? for sure there names will be Isreal, Evanelista, Erindira, and Ephriam (all spanish hint hint lol)
How Many? 6
What Is The One Thing You Want To Accomplish Before You Die? Bring more people to Christ
Any Thing Else You Would Like To Share? thats it
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Gospel Contemp Christian, Musica Latina especially Juanes mi amor, y Julieta Venegas,y Buena Vista Social Club, Hip Hop not so much rap, Rock and just recently some blue grass who wlda thunk it! :)


My big fat greek wedding! I love the sappy love stories and anything Kung-Fu


Sponge Bob! Days of our lives, Passions when they're not tripin, Law and Order SVU, Nick at night Grey's Anatomy and other random sitcoms and drama




2 many to list