Tommy D.iaz *R>I>P Steven A Roman* profile picture

Tommy D.iaz *R>I>P Steven A Roman*


About Me

hmmm...I don't really like describing myself, cuz shit, I'm still trying to find myself(Yeah I could be a little rough on the edges).
-Well for one, I'm a geek .
-I'm genuinely a nice person...but i'm not a jerk...
-I have a weird sense of humor.
-Yeah, I'm a sucker for sarcasm.
-I'm too honest which could be a good thing or a bad thing, I guess.
-Some people think I'm conceited, which i'm actually quite humble, I just walk around with confidence.Some people forget there's a thin line between confidence and arrogance.
-I talk about music all the time simply because music is my life, NO! NOT JUST TECHNO! I'm an eclectic person as far as music goes...
-I Love animals (Allergic to cats, but i still like em)
-Materialistism gets me sick to the stomach. (Not a lie)
-I loathe vain people.
-I really dislike attention whores.
-I dislike myspace whores.
Fuck it, I hate whores in general.
-I love long conversations and debates about current events, politics, history science, conspiracy maybe.
As of late i've been waking up to Saturday morning cartoons and man, i gotta tell you those cartoons are fucked up. *Mental note* Remind myself not to raise my children on TV.
That's just a tad bit about me.Your results:
You are Dr. Doom Dr. Doom 73% Apocalypse 66% Two-Face 53% Magneto 53% Lex Luthor 53% Venom 52% Green Goblin 49% Mystique 49% Mr. Freeze 49% The Joker 48% Catwoman 40% Kingpin 36% Dark Phoenix 33% Riddler 32% Juggernaut 29% Poison Ivy 23% Blessed with smarts and power but burdened by vanity.
Click here to take the Supervillain Personality Quiz

My Interests

Your mom...Making beats, playing records, Video Games every once in a while.

I'd like to meet:

The guys from the alleged Boston "Bomb scare"...
I mean really, what idiot thinks an L.E.D Mooninite is a bomb?


i'm pretty eclectic as far as music goes these are a few artist that influence me a lot, The Smiths, Depeche Mode, The Deftones, Radiohead(Thom Yorke is a genious), George Clinton and the Parliament Funkadelic, Zapp and Roger, Roy Ayers, Kraftwerk, The Prodigy,Chemical Bros. Danny T, Donald Glaude, Charles Feelgood, Paul Johnson, DJ Sneak, Roger Sanchez,Green Velvet, Derrick May, Jeff Mills, Carl Craig all them detroit cats holding shit down properly and still being mad down to earth. Marco Bailey, Marco Carolla, Speedy J, Chris Leibing. Richie Hawtin aka Plastikman, Terry Mulan, Thomas Bangalter (Daft Punk, Stardust), Louie Vega, Kenny Dope, Todd Terry, M.A.W. The Kind Kidz, Nicholas Dentato aka Kind Nick and the NYC techno crew for delivering madness to the dance floor.


Any John Hughes flick, Forrest Gump (Yes I cried when Jenneh died, Who didn't?), Scarface, Carlito's Way, Good Fella's, Half Baked, Jay and Silent Bob, Dogma, Happy Gilmore, any Steve Martin movie, Hairspray, Grease, The Warriors, to name a few off the top of my head.


The News, Colbert Report, Adult Swim, South Park, don't really do too much of that.


Last night a DJ Saved my life, Disco Bloodbath(Party Monster) Hamlet, Essays by Michel de Montaigne(READ IT), and The book of the Courtier by Baldesar Castilogne.


Your mom and Ferris Bueller (DUH!)

My Blog

Our Actions should be judged by our intentions...

"Death, it is said, releases us from all our obligations. But I  know some who have taken this saying in a special sense. King Hnery the Seventh of England made an agreement with Don Phillip, son...
Posted by Tommy D.iaz *R>I>P Steven A Roman* on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 10:08:00 PST

One man's profit is another's loss..

This is an excerpt taken from the Book Essays by French Philospher Michel De Montaigne. "Demades the Atehnian condemned a man of his city whose trade was to sell what is needed for funerals, on the th...
Posted by Tommy D.iaz *R>I>P Steven A Roman* on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 11:12:00 PST