..::kAyE::.. profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

sEveNteEn * yOuNgEsT * piNk * ..16 * dAyDrEaMeR * pRoCrAsTiNaToR * pArAnOiD * CoMpLiCaTeD iF tHeRe's aNyThiNg I FeAr tHe m0sT, iT's tHe cOcKroAcH. dEaD oR aLivE, d0eSn't mAtTeR. i LoVe giMiKs,pArTiEs,cHiLLs..wAtEveR yOu caLL tHaT aS LoNg aS iM nOt h0mE..iM sUpEr gAmE 4 iT..SoMeTiMeS, tHe dYnAmiSm oF LiFe rEaLLy gEtS iNtO mE. sO, i sPeNd a LoT oF qUaLiTy TiMe WiTh mY fRiEnDs gOiNg sUmWeR eLsE tHaT cUd mAkE uS sAnE..i LoVe bEaCh aNd rEsOrTs tOo.. i DeFiNiTeLy hAtE hYpOcRiTe pEoPLE..tHoSe "backstabbers"dAnG! gEt a LiFe mOrOn!! ;) iM aLsO a vErY "sensitive" pErSoN sO bE cArEfUL oF eVeRy SiNgLe wOrD u sAy aBoUt mE.. iF yOu hAtE mE,teLL iT sTrAiGhT iN fRoNt oF mE!!cOz iM cApAbLe oF sWiTcHiNg tRiPs oN iT.. i cAn bE a girL u cAn ReLy oN nO MaTTer wAt.. =) GiVe mE LoTs oF iCe cReAm,PiZzaS,vEgGieS aNd oH aLsO pAsTaS...hehe ..i LiKe tHe CoLoR gReEn sO mUcH..i'M a mUsiC FaNaTiC..sweet and romantic ako ;)..i am caring and loving too!! dwell with me,and see what i can be...don't worry i won't bite..hehe i treat others equally. i am an open mind, yet are firm in my beliefs.i am trusting of people and have a fairly easy time making new friends.i never look for friends,i only wait for them..i am forgiving but never forgets..i dislike nonsensical and unnecessary things.i am sensitive and forms impressions carefully. i live a happy life and will continue to do so if i stay d way i am.. iTsEeMs tO bE a rUnNinG tHeMe aBoUt bEiNg FiNe aNd aLriGhT bUt I dOn't MinD..-I'm hAlFwAy hOmE..
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My Interests


slow jams r&b jazz

My Blog

the scientist

Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry You don't know how lovely you are I had to find you Tell you I need you Tell you I set you apart Tell me your secrets And ask me you questions Oh let...
Posted by ..::kAyE::.. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

stick around. . .

how many times do i daydream about making love to you and take you to a special place where it's only me and you i'll put away all your troubles on the other side of the world ...
Posted by ..::kAyE::.. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

baby don't you break my heart slow

i like the way you wanted me every night for so long baby i like the way you needed me every time things got rocky i was believing in you was i mistaken do you say do you say what you mean i...
Posted by ..::kAyE::.. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST