Zack profile picture



About Me's me Zack! Look I hate school but the only reason I go are for two things. What are they? Kelly Kapowski and more girls! I've been chasing Kelly since we were kids. I remember having to wait through six previous boyfriends then with Slater showing up before I eventually won out when Kelly chose me for the prom! We never ended up going because her family couldn't afford it, but we had a quiet romantic moment outside our school. Ever since then we've had an off and on relationship. It was hard for me to forgive the bitch after she dumped me for that jerk Jeff but I did anyway.
I have the best friends in the world. Screech, Slater, Lisa, Jesse and Kelly. Screech is my best friend and one of a kind, but I always have a hard time forgiving the idiot when he blows every one of our schemes. When Slater first came to Bayside I couldn't stand the fucker. But now me and him have formed a brothership. Jesse has been my next door neighbor forever. We had a thing once in drama class when we made out. It turned out that didn't mean shit. Of course Lisa how could I forget her? Always being chased by Screech. I ended up having a thing for Lisa after I helped her with her fashion show for F.I.T. But that didn't mean shit either. I do and always will feel bad for what I did to Screech then. I LOVE MY FRIENDS!! FRIENDS FOREVER.
Some of my hobbies are running track and pulling off schemes with my buddy Screech before he fucks them up. I also enjoy getting under the skin of our principal Richard Dick Belding. The rest of the time me and my friends are working on our band ZACK ATTACK! Check out our single 'Friends Forever'.
Which "Saved By The Bell" Character Are You?
Name: Zack Morris
Birthdate: March 1st
Birthplace: Bayside, California
Current Location: Bayside, California
Eye Color: Hazel/Brown
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 6'0
Weight: 190
Piercings: No
Tatoos: No
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Kelly Kapowski
Overused Phraze: Heeeyyy babe!
Food: Burgers
Candy: Chocolate-covered grasshoppers
Number: 1
Color: Blue
Animal: Tiger
Drink: Coke
Alcohol Drink: Beer
Bagel: None
Letter: Z
Body Part on Opposite sex: Legs
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing: McDonalds
Strawberry or Watermelon: Strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: Ice Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla Vanilla
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Hot Chocolate
Kiss or Hug: Kiss
Dog or Cat: Dog
Rap or Punk: Rap
Summer or Winter: Summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Scary
Love or Money: Both!
Bedtime: 11:00
Most Missed Memory: Malibu Sands
Best phyiscal feature: Hair
First Thought Waking Up: Wake up tiger, time to roar
Goal for this year: Selling Bayside to the Japanese
Best Friends: Screech and Slater
Weakness: None
Fears: Flunking Driver's Ed
Heritage: Native American
Longest relationship: Kelly
Ever Drank: Yes
Ever Smoked: No
Pot: No
Ever been Drunk: Yes...don't ask
Ever been beaten up: No
Ever beaten someone up: Yes
Ever Shoplifted: No
Ever Skinny Dipped: No
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: No
Been Dumped Lately: No
Favorite Eye Color: Brown
Favorite Hair Color: Brown or Blonde
Short or Long: Long
Height: Tall
Style: Sexy
Looks or Personality: Looks
Hot or Cute Hot
Drugs and Alcohol: No
Muscular or Really Skinny: Skinny
Number of Regrets in the Past: 2
What country do you want to Visit: Hawaii
How do you want to Die: In my bed with Kelly
Been to the Mall Lately: Yes
Do you like Thunderstorms: No
Get along with your Parents: Sometimes
Health Freak: No
Do you think your Attractive: Yes
Believe in Yourself: Yes
Want to go to College: I guess
Do you Smoke: No
Do you Drink: No
Shower Daily: Yes
Been in Love: Yes
Do you Sing: Yes
Want to get Married: Yes
Do you want Children: Yes
Have your future kids names planned out: No
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: 21
Hate anyone: Vince Montana
Life is Random...ask questions
Ocean or Lake? Ocean
Pizza or Chinese? Pizza
Mansion or Penthouse? Mansion
Have you been on a Jet Ski? No but I did go white water rafting once, and almost didn't thanks to that fucker Rod
Are you afraid of clowns? No
How many brothers/sisters do you have? I'm an only child
Favorite band/group? Zack Attack
Baseball or football? Baseball
Favorite brand of makeup? None
Waffles or pancakes? Pancakes
Do you have an IPod? What's that?
Bike or scooter? Bike
Ever go in a hot air balloon? No
How will you celebrate turning 21? Driving my porshe with one arm on the steering wheel, and the other around Kelly
What brand computer do you have? The one in my room
How many times have you been to DisneyWorld? 1
Favorite city? Bayside
Ice cream or frozen yogurt? Ice Cream
Do you think you are fat? No
Ever throw up in a public place? No
Do you have a pool? No
Ever drive a car? Not yet, just the driver's ed one before Slater crashed it into the fucken lockers that one day
How many times a month do you go to the movies? 2 or 3 times with the gang
Last movie you saw? Some retarded alien movie Screech wanted to see
Who is your hero? Cheif Henry
How old are your parents? No idea
What deceased person would you like to meet? Adolf Hitler
Do you chew ice? No
Have you been to California? I live in California moron
Last book you read? Read? books? Yeah right!
Favorite teacher? None, they're all clowns. If I had to choose i'd say Tuttle. The toad always buys into our scams.
Do you like to go fishing? I like to go with my dad
How many boyfirends/girlfriends have you had? 86 girlfriends
How many of those do you regret? Regret? None of them
What is you average in school? C
Favorite professional team? L.A Lakers
Do you like mohawks? No
How many pairs of shoes do you own? 2
Do you floss? Yes
Do you have braces? No
Do you bite your nails?
What is your last thought before falling asleep? Damn that chick today was hot
Do you fall in love easily? Yes
Ever have a crush and they never knew? No
Do you babysit? Once
Ever been shot at? No
Do you work out/exercise? Sometimes
Do you have 6 pack abs? No
Do you consider yourself nice? Sometimes
What movie character would you like to be? Tony Montana
Do you go to camp for the summer? No but I once lied I went to dance camp, that was funny
Ever been bit by a snake? No
Have you been on a boat? Yes
Name of friend you have known the longest? Screech
Do you like jumping on a trampoline? No
Ever break a bone? Yes, fucking Belding..
Name of favorite Aunt/Uncle? None
What is your ultimate job? Politician
Do you want to walk on the moon? No
Can you name the seven dwarfs? No but Screech is one of the seven dorks
Favorite TV show? Fresh Prince
Apples or oranges? Apples
Favorite model of car? Porsche
Favorite flower? The kind in Jesse's yard
Favorite color? Blue
Besides family, ever have someone of the opp sex in your bedroom? Yes
Ever climb out your bedroom window? All the time
Do you live in an apartment or house? House
How many times in the last month have you had the hiccups? 0
&..39;Ever laugh so hard milk came out your nose?' No
How many cousins do you have? I don't know
Do you believe in ghosts? No
If you were a bird, what would you be? Cardinal
Ever get stitches? No
If you could, would you want to know what your future was going to be? No
How many kids do you want to have? 2
If you could change your name, what would it be? Zakaraya
Dogs or cats? Dog
Who do you tell your problems to? Screech
Who can your tell your secrets to and know they wont tell? Anyone but Screech
Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes
Do you go to church? Sometimes
Would you marry outside your religon? No
Volleyball or tennis? Tennis
How many people were at your last party? 50
Ever ride in a limo? No but was suppose to for the prom with Kelly until she fucked me over
Ever drink champagne? No
Favorite dinner? Burgers and Fries

My Interests

Kelly Kapowski and girls!

I'd like to meet:

Girls, girls and girls! Ouch!


Zack Attack, U2


Anything playing at the Bayside Theater


Books? What are you crazy?


Chief Henry