these are some of my pieces, I'll post more soon.I love Art, It's is the one thing I have always been good at. I like to create it, look at other's works, ctritique, and get lost in it.
Who would I like to meet? Gooood Question. Anyone who knows something that I don't. I am always ready to learn something new or try to understand another's point of view. A better question would be Who would I not want to meet? Those people who think that they know everything... you know who you are.
Music: Classic Rock: Anything From Zepp to Beatles. Classical Music: Anything From Camile Saint-Saens to Mozart, 80's 80's 80's and more 80's
The Exorcist, my favorite movie of all time. why you ask... because it could happen to you. :( I like the first three Star Wars movies, Ep. 4,5, and 6. the next three were uh, you know, o.k. Favorit Comedy: Planes Trains and Autmobiles. Favorite Drama: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Favorite Animation: Alice in Wonderland. Favorite Fantasy: Lord of the Rings. Favorite Action: Aliens
Jerry Seinfeld, The Simpsons, Taps, Jeopardy. And when ever I can, The Price Is Right.
Brave New World, Farenhiet 451, A House on Mango Street,
I don't really have any heroes, but there are those who inspire, and they are, Dali, M.C. Escher, Beethoven, Beatles, and I'll add on more later.