hErIkO KaRpIo gArCeS
tHe hErIkoSo blue
and violently calmed
I drowned
but yet i feel so fine
and some how.....
don´t know why
i love it down heresale el sol
y aunque ahogado veo el resplandorya me fui
mas sigo en el fondo
so blue
and violently calmed
I drowned
but yet i feel so fine
and some how.....
don´t know why
i love it down heresale el sol
y aunque ahogado veo el resplandorya me fui
mas sigo en el fondo
I thought you did
but you don´t know me.....sale el sol
y aunque ahogado veo el resplandorya me fui
mas sigo en el fondo
I thought you did
but you don´t know me.....
,thE StROkEs,KilLErS,nOrTeK,sussIe4,AuStIn tV,iMsTiTuTo mExIcAnO DeL SoNiDo,BeRsUiT BeRgArAbAT ,InCuBuS, ZoE, JuMbO,kInKi,LoS DiNaMiTe,ThE LiBeRtInS,cAfE TaCuBa,KoKs aNd kOks,LoS BuNkErS,pOrTer,gUsTaVo cErAtI,tHe hIvEs,PlAsTiLiNa mOsH,fObIa,CLap yOuR HaNdS,dEaTh cAb FoR cUtIe,GeNaRlS bArKlEy,LiQuItS, lA HaBiTaCiOn RoJa,LoTs aCaPuLcO.,JaRaBe dE PaLo,LoS AuTeNtIcOs dE CaDeNtEs,fObIa,PlAsTiKo,pAsTIlLA ,PiTo pEreZ,mOuSe,ViCeNtIcO,LoS FaBuLoS CaDIllAcS,kInGa oF LeOn,BlOc pArTy,ThE StIlLS,nIñA,tHe mArS VoLtA,kASaBiaN,AnDrEs kAlAmArO ,eLy gUerrA¡¡¡¡...
lords of dogtown, requiem por un sueño, naranja mecanica,
sOuTh pArK, tHe sIpSoM,MtV,iN-D,PuMaS Tv,BiDeOs rObAdOs¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
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eRnEsTo cHe gUeVaRa AsTa lA ViKtOrIa sIeMpRe¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡