*Kevin Khaos* profile picture

*Kevin Khaos*

One Motley MotherF*cker From Detroit

About Me

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I've been a member of Manic's Rage for almost 2yrs now, Played a ton of shows, Went on some wild vacations, and hope to keep it going for 2007, anything else you wanna know send me a message..*KhAOs*

My Interests

80's metal, back rubs, basses, biting, black, blood, cds, cemetarys, clubs, coffins, comedies, comedy central, drawing, drinking, drums, friday the 13ths, full moons, goths, guitars, hair pulling, halloween, horror movies, leather, lighting, michigan, night time, nightmares, poems, razor blades, scratching, sex, tapes, thunderstorms, tight clothes, vampires, vinyl, whips, your mom.

I'd like to meet:

Interesting people of all sorts, Musicians, People with the same likes/Dislikes as me.Bands/Members I have met: Faster Pussycat, Nikki Sixx, John Corobi, Traci Guns, A perfect circle, etc.


Upcomming Shows:




Anything on Comedy Central, Will and Grace, The simpsons, Married With Children, Alf, Pee wee's Playhouse. etc.


Authors: Clive Barker, Stephen King, V.C Andrews, Anne Rice, etc.


Superman, Spiderman, Batman, etc.

My Blog

Upcomming Shows!!! (Updated 4-03-07)

9pmcost: $5.00-$10.00Wsg/ Slave To The Beautiful, and BlackMail.ANDManic's Rage May, 11 2007 at The New Way ...
Posted by *Kevin Khaos* on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 03:34:00 PST

Smash Bash 2005 Photos

http://hometown.aol.com/msmanic01/page9.html There ya go peeps :-p *KhAOs*
Posted by *Kevin Khaos* on Wed, 28 Sep 2005 07:23:00 PST

Metal Sludge Aftermath

Went and played the Metal Sludge show last night.    I talked to alot of people about music, and alot of people seemed to want to talk to me, it made me feel like a somebody just a lil bit :...
Posted by *Kevin Khaos* on Sat, 13 Aug 2005 01:30:00 PST

Weekend aftermath

Well now that I have a lil time to update, lets see Friday night went to city, not too many people really showed up that I wanted to see, so I hung with greg and dean in the corner, pretty slow night...
Posted by *Kevin Khaos* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

4th of july aftermath

Well I had a great 4th of july.  The real celebration was at riks house on the 3rd, and well we got nice and trashed, blew a bunch of shit up, and had a bunch of great moments in the night, and l...
Posted by *Kevin Khaos* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I was taking some peeps off my list that I didnt really need on there and accidentlly deleted..

I acidentlly deleted my first page of friends.. So far I need to add back Taime downe Faster Pussycat Iggy pop Dane cook Pepperment Creeps Sam Jodi roxx Monique so I need to remember 12 more people...
Posted by *Kevin Khaos* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

My lunch Break

For lunch today I sat by a man made lake, and watched my surroundings.. There were two swans floating around, and a whole bunch of ducks and thier offsping.  An old man rode by on his bike with...
Posted by *Kevin Khaos* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Peppermint Creeps Aftermath

Me and the band headed out to the I-Rock last night to support are friends in The Creeps, this was the first time I have seen the band play live, and I must say WOW!!!!  they definitlly kick your...
Posted by *Kevin Khaos* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

It's almost friday!!!! Ceder point here comes Manic's Rage!!!!

That's right, we are all packing up and heading to ohio for the weekend, it will be nice to get 2  1/2 hours away from michigan :-p   In other news I am so glad that I am never goingto city...
Posted by *Kevin Khaos* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

First show over and done *AFTERMATH*

Wow what a crazy fucking night, all I can say is thanks to all the people that showed up, and stck around till the very end to see us headline, thanks to Plan R from dc, you guys kick ass, and should ...
Posted by *Kevin Khaos* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST