/// scrutinizing too much.. driving myself insane.. getting neurotic.. /// ... great films... documentaries... literature.. pOeTry iS mY aiR, mUsiC iS mY sOuL... wriTiNg is mY tHeRaPhy... ~*^i loVe mY cOuRsE^*~ ...sT.scHo iz BeZ!!! mY gRoOvY pRoFeSsOrS mY gUdjObHuNeYz the chiLLS in betWeEn the fRaP&ciG's brEaKs... doS sLuMbEr pArtEeS... the rOaDtRiPs tiL daWn bReAks... the bEacH... *taGaYtaY hYLaNdS wid my cLAn!* ""roCKweL cLub wiD my oDeR haF! "" ^my two bEsT buDDies RNOLD&BLU...^ dvd reruns... pigging out... *LIFE* baby!
... we might as well be strangers...
^Sunshine^ by Lil Flip... COLLIDE by Howie Day * Coldplay * HALE * 3DOORSDOWN! Rooney, Keanne, Gin Blossoms, Dave Matthews.. Mymp, Boyz2men, USHER... Southborder^Jay Durias^
*INDECENT PROPOSAL* PRETTY WOMAN * CRUEL INTENTIONS 1* Bridget Jones' Diary... rEaLiTy biTeS...tHe giRL nExT dOoR... My Sassy girl... Minority Report... SAW... So Close... Too Fast Too Furious... Butterfly Effect, White Chicks! *IF ONLY* Crash.... *hate those xo-shallow-too-mushy ones!*
im one big Ally Mc Beal sympathizer, CSI, F.R.I.E.N.D.S, The O.C. **ONETREEHILL!!!** oh man... ill kill for chad michael murray!
PAULO COELHO's ^the alchemist^ and ^eleven minutes^ ...those of danielle steel's especially ^irresistible forces^ ...THE HUB...