horny girl looking for girls profile picture

horny girl looking for girls

lesbian hot,horny and here to talk dirty

About Me

i was deleted by myspace for putting up dirty pictures of me and other girls sorry tom i'm a naughty girl come and spank me, i'm a bi sexual girl not a lesbian i just didnt want sleazy men talking to me, boys if i wanna get to know u i will search for you so don't try and add me i dont care how fit you think you are, ladies i like talking dirty and hearing all your dirty sexual experiences, i also like receiving dirty pics or videos of you so ask for my email and i'll happily give it to you, p.s please dont add me unless you're going to talk to me xxx also look at my blogs please xxxDOES ANYONE KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT FIXING THE INTERNET MY INTERNET IS DOWN AT HOME AND I HAVE BEEN GOING TO INTERNET CAFE'S AND USING THE ONE AT WORK HELP

My Interests

SEX, tv, films, music, SEX, girls, some guys and SEX

I'd like to meet:

hot, horny lesbian/bisexual girls NO GUYS PLEASE unless your really hot (i'll be the judge of that)

Congratulations your a REAL Slut! Your deffinatly not going to lose it becuase you sure are using it!

Your Motto: "I'll try anyone or anything once or twice!"
Your Sign: "Slippery When Wet!"

* Don't forget to pratice SAFE SEX! Better stock up on condoms and lube!

Take The Slut Quiz Now!

"Slut Quiz - Female" is available here
***starXtest v2.0***


mainly hip hop and rnb some rock as sometimes i like it hard, loud and rough


anything with sex scenes in, porno obviously mainly girl on girl


NaughtyPoll.com - take your own poll!
1. How old are you? 18-20
2. What is your sexual orientation? Bisexual
3. Have you ever given somone oral sex? Sure I have
4. Have you ever received oral sex? Yes, of course
5. How many sexual partners have you had? 5-10
6. What is your pubic hair style? Shaved bald, nice and clean
7. What is your choice of underwear style? Nothing At All
8. Have you ever had anal sex? Yes I have
9. What is your favorite position? Anything that gets me off
10. How often do you masturbate? Whenever I can
11. Have you ever kissed a girl? Yes, for sure
12. Have you ever had sex with a girl? Yes, I sure have
13. Have you ever taken, or been in naked photos? Both taken and been in them
14. Have you ever had multiple partners at once? Yes, a threesome
15. Have you watched porn? Yes, of course. Who hasn't?
16. Have you ever been to a nude beach or nudist area? Yes, a nude beach
17. Have you ever watched others, or been watched having sex? Yes, watched others, but never been watched
18. Spit or swallow? Swallow
19. Have you ever had an orgasm? Of course, all of the time
20. Do you own any sex toys? Of course, my vibrator
NaughtyPoll.com - take your own poll! Meet Hot Bi Girls In Your Hometown!


According to experts, I am :

96% Sexy
Take the Sexy Quiz at JokesUnlimited.com

According to experts, I am :

91% Kinky
Take the Kinky Quiz at JokesUnlimited.com

My Blog


If We Could FuckThis is the "If We Could Fuck..." Test...Re-posts this as If We Could Fuck Test.... You will be surprised on all the results you get...Put the [X] which best suits ur answer....or all ...
Posted by horny girl looking for girls on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 04:17:00 PST

sexiest myspace profile apply within

hi girls leave me a sexy picture, your name and a comment as to why you should be the sexiest myspace profile a new winner will be chosen every 2 months as this month has already s...
Posted by horny girl looking for girls on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 01:55:00 PST