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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

*The Ultimate About Me Survey*:
Name: Jacob
DOB: Feb. 22, 1982
Birthplace: Columbia, MD.
Current location: The Good Ol' MIA!
Eye color: Light brown greenish
Hair Color: Dark brown blackish
Height: 6'1"
Heritage: I'm a mutt...I think my ancestors were having orgy's..but I'm mostly Chileno and American
Piercings: My ears...used to have my tongue...but I took it out
Tattoos: I have 3 of 'em
Band/Singer: don't really have one...there are so many that I love...I can't narrow it to just one
Song: same answer applies to this question
Genre of Music: hmmm...I guess I'm going to have to say Hip Hop....followed closely by Rock and Freestyle
Color(s): Orange
TV show(s): Lost...that show kick @ss...and if you haven't seen it you better start
Movie(s): The same answer that I gave for fav. band applies to this one as well...i LOVE movies!!
Food: hmmm...I love me some good pastel de choclo...
Store: hmmm....I guess I'm gonna have to be a guy and say Best Buy...although I would have to say that I would rather go to the mall...but the mall isn't just one store.
#: 22
Drink: Raspberry Iced Tea
Clothing Brand: Express
Shoe Brand: Puma
Animal: DRAGONS!!! LMAO!
Pizza topping: mmm...extra cheese and mushrooms...
Season: wow...this is a tough one...I love the summer cuz I love going to the beach...but then again I love the winter cuz I like the cold and the christmas atmosphere. I guess I'll say I like winter more.
Month: FEB!!!
Holiday: Christmas
Flower: kind of a fruity question to ask a guy....so I think I'll just omit this one.
This or That:
Sunny or rainy: Definitely Sunny...unless I'm in bed..then the rain sounds nice.
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
Fruit or veggie: Fruit
Night or day: Day
Sour or sweet: Sweeeeeeeeet!!!
Love or money: Love...without a doubt
Phone or in person: In person
Poor & happy or rich & miserable: how bout middle class and sometimes grumpy...lol
Looks or personality: Personality...if you don't have that you don't have anything
Coffee or tea: Iced Tea
Hot or cold: Cold
Goal for this year: Finish my medics license
Most missed memory: I would rather not say...
Best physical feature: I've been told my lips and my eyes...but recently someone has pointing out so many more...(you know who you are)
First thought waking up: Where's my phone...I'm calling in sick!
Do you wanna get married: Eventually...
Do you wanna have kids: Not anytime soon...but yes...I would
If so, how many: dunno....I guess when I start ripping the hair out of my head...I'll know it's time to stop
Do you wanna go to college: I'm in college
What do you want to be: I'm a nursing major...but I working on something else right now...we'll see how it goes.
Do You:
Dance in the rain: I don't make a habit of it...but I have
Smoke: Maybe a cigar every once in a while....but thats about it...
Drink: Yes...but defnitely keeping it limited...I don't know how many more crazy nights my liver can take
Shower daily: Of course!
Like thunderstorms: If I am in my bed trying to sleep I find them relaxing
Curse: yea...I know I have a potty mouth...although recently I am trying to watch my words....
Sing: Yea....if I am jamming in my car...or goofing around with my friends
Play an instrument: yup...although I haven't played in quite some time now
Think you are good looking: Yea I do...
Get along with your parents: Yea...my mom is like a friend to me...
Other Questions:
Can you whistle: I sure can
Right or left handed: I'm a righty
Your bedtime: Whenever I can't hold my eyes open anymore
Biggest fear: Losing someone I love
3 things you can't live without: Family, Friends and Love
Color of your room: White...I've been looking into painting it...It's a new house
Siblings: 2 sisters and 1 brother
Middle name: Daniel
Pets: 1 dog...Nicky
Nicknames: ummm...there have been many variations of nicknames over the years...but the two that really stick are Witness and Toto
For or against gay marriage: I honestly don't care...
Thoughts on abortion: I would never want a girl to get one...its just wrong
If you could be anywhere right now where would you be: In NY with a special someone
Do you wear contacts/glasses: I wear glasses...I've tried contacts...I have to much of a mission with them
Are you afraid of the dark: Nope...
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My Interests

There are so many things I like to do...I like playing sports...soccer, basketball, football, paintball and even golf. I love being able to get together with friends and have a fun night out on the town. I actually enjoy going to the gym...I find it very satisfying. There's actually not alot of things I wouldn't be down for...I try to make a good time out of any situation.


I like listening to just about anything out there...As long as it is catchy I can jam to it. I listen to alot of Hip Hop, Rock and Freestyle (I LOVE FREESTYLE...what can I say...I'm child of the eighties). Not to say that those are the only kinds of music I listen to...I listen to spanish, R&B, House, etc...I guess the music I listen too depends on my mood at the time. I've been listening to alot of jazz recently just because it is relaxing...helps take the day to day stress away. Music means so much to me...I can't imagine a day without it. There are so many songs out there that have such a deep meaning for me. I'm not going to get into explaining all of that...all I can say is that I really love music.
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I love movies...all kinds of movies. I'm kinda partial to action and comedy movies. But that doesn't mean that I don't like anything else...there are so many good movies to even start naming some of the movies I like. I love having a girl over to relax on the couch and watch a good movie. I love going to the movies too...my friends and I have this thing with going to see movies at the midnight premier. I'm a big movie buff...I am constantly quoting movies with my friends...and we can laugh at that for hours.


There are so many good shows out there...and thanks to my tivo I dont have to miss any of them. I love that little box...I never used to watch tv until I got that thing. Lost is off the chain...I can't get enough of that show. Smallville is awesome..I've been watching every episode of that show since the begininng. House is another great one. I can't forget about Grays Anatomy and Heros...I'll catch episodes of Miami Ink every once in a while..and I can't forget good ol' ESPN...gotta have sports center in the morning when I wake up. I guess thats just the guy in me. Even if I watch all the games that are out...and I remember every second of them...I will still watch sports center to see the highlights.


Don't get to much time to actually read an entire book. I really wish I could tho. I read plenty of magazines tho...maxim and men's health.


My mom...she's the only person that I actually look up to. Oddly enough she's shorter than me. She has such high morals and has such a great personality and character. I've never met another person with a heart as big as her's. I strive everyday to be like that.