yuu profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

do me a FAVOUR! if you are a band just searching for people to buy your cds or listen to you, but never talk to me - DO NOT request my friendship. i'm sick of adding masses of bands every evening just to delete them a few weeks later. the bands i'm interested in I'LL FIND MYSELF. otherwise it's SPAMMING. if you are really interested in my friendship, just write me a message. thank you.


things coming up to my mind: i'm a lazy perfectionist; quiet often i'm thoughtful and calm; i'm a singer (bonesmith), bassist (ex - mirror test) and pianist (not high level); i have a cat, she is a wretched thing, she don't like moving bodyparts and people not beloning to the family, she often bites me, too (but still she is like a little sister); i have an aquarium; my english is bad but i can speak russian, i also like japanese very much, sometimes french (it's up to my mood) and reading in latin; i like unusual artworks, but i like them to look beautyful and fine, aesthetically; i was born in kiev, ukraine and emigrated when i was 10; i'm sometimes moody to people whom i've known for a long time, but nevertheless i love them all, they are an important part of my life; i love watching a sea or an ocean, alone, i love harbours, too, fishing, swimming or just sitting at night on a beach, staring at waves, things to do with sea life; i like animals, i can't live without a couple of animals in my house; i like beautyful people, call me superficial; i like summer, i don't like cold though i like snow; i love ancient cultures like egypt; i like the 'white-red' and 'black-red' contrasts; i can't drink coffee or milk; i don't listen much to music, because sometimes i'm too sensitively to it; i like japanese green tee and beer, whiskey or jaegermeister, red sweet wine and liqueur; my favorite perfume is chanel platinum egoist and l'eau par kenzo; sometimes i draw, but i don't like to do it often; i love old destroyed buildings, cellars, factories; i don't like watching tv; i love reading, i have plenty of books; i like history and psychology; i can't be friends with distructive or self-destructive people for a long time; i can be easily influenced by people i admire; i don't like being sad!; i don't like people refering to my gender and also don't like gender differences; i love sushi, ramen and pizza or asian snacks; i have bad eyes and wear contact lenses;...



My Interests

music + movie soundtracks, arts, history, japan, games (final fantasy, silent hill, ...), languages, water world, harbours, paul kidby, john tenniel, da vinci, dalí, rembrandt, hisashi tenmyouya, shiori matsumoto

I'd like to meet:

yamaoka akira, tim burton, danny elfman


catsuomaticdeath, a perfect circle, danny elfman, clint mansell, asche et spencer, tool, mucc, baal, yamaoka akira, dir en grey, gackt, hyde, soad, anna tsuchiya, movie soundtracks, uematsu nobue, audioslave, traditional japanese music, classic


tim burton - movies, miyazaki hayao 's anime, monty python, horror movies, secret window, pirates of the caribbean, SAW, stay, old japanese movies, the ring, god's army, silent hill, russian comedy, pan's labyrinth


i rarely watch tv.. but.. ncis


(authors) akunin, terry pratchett, veller, conan doyle, oscar wilde, inoue yasushi, banana yoshimoto, anne rice, suzuki koji, urasawa naoki


vetinari, caesar, lestat

My Blog

the violin..

this precious one i got from yoshi's mom... isn't it beautiful?... ;_; i was about to cry when i got this.. i love violins so much! it's old and a bit, how do you say, not exactly in mint condition? o...
Posted by yuu on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 01:12:00 PST

pictures from an abandoned hospital

here they are! (taken on December, 10th) it was dangerous XD but i've had a lot of fun taking this pictures... i love them. i'll try to finish some more today. enjoy!balcony lightreanimatedopen the d...
Posted by yuu on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 07:21:00 PST

some more pictures

well, if you have seen previous, you've allready seen the best.. but here are some more pictures.stairssideviewrusty windowlaboratoriesfrontbackview from a window...
Posted by yuu on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 10:27:00 PST

new drummer!!

mirror test is very glad to say 'WELCOME!' to our new drummer. his name is also till :) so there are two tills in the band now. it's a bit confusing,.. but the voc/guit till is rather called yoshi, ne...
Posted by yuu on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 02:11:00 PST

4 a.m.

i'm at the studio right now (actually since 10 am - over 17 and a half hours). we are working on the last 3 tracks and hope to finish it today. i'm really fuckin' tired and hungry but there is no chan...
Posted by yuu on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 07:09:00 PST

BAAL in berlin

oh yes! yesterday i was at the BAAL concert in berlin - how AWESOME! i love U-TAROU's voice and performance, MIKITO's charm and CHIHIRO's cuteness and of course their music. i had the great chance to ...
Posted by yuu on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 04:49:00 PST

what happened?

i'm very curious and worried.. yesterday we would have finished our album but.. we waited for about 3 hours in front of the studio - and called the owner on the phone -_- we couldn't reach him.. i'm a...
Posted by yuu on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 06:08:00 PST


wanna see my aquarium?i've made some pictures with my boyfriend's new camera....
Posted by yuu on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 03:06:00 PST


we just decided about the name of the album :D it will be called: VOYAGE. i was looking at my little pocket watch, one with an old engine on the front.. and it inspired me to this name :D i love this ...
Posted by yuu on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 02:05:00 PST


this weekend was very sad to me.. you know i have an aquarium - and lots of lovely fishes. on saturday night there was something in the water and i would have get them meds but it was sunday then and ...
Posted by yuu on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 02:47:00 PST