Why do you all want to know so much about me? Justin is my main interest. I am a dancer so I enjoy all kinds of dance, Ballet, Modern, Jazz.
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Not really looking for any one just enjoy seeing who is on here, and catching up with old friends
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Brokeback Mountain is the best movie ever. I think everyone should see it. Clue is another brilliant movie p.s. Tim Curry ROCKS All of the scream movies (2 was my least fav) Airplane (go Ethel Merman) Center Stage (well because I am a dancer) The Company (well also because I am a dancer) Titanic (sorry Justin) Waitng for Guffman (I wanna be teachers pet)
I have to admit I am addicted to reality TV. American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, America's Next Top Model, Real World, The list goes on and on.