Band/event photography. pet photography. painting.drawing.writing.wit.musicAnimals,Making little pictures out of big pictures,Movies,Fragrances,Candles and Incense (for the most part only Nag Champa, but will burn anything that I can), Smokin',Water,Vegetables,Fruits,Cheese,Goin' to eat,tea,Green Field'Market,Bubble Tea,Sushi,Blue Gummi Sharks,Nutella,and Food.Hairlines,Readin',Reruns,Walking,Ocean,School,Plant-lif e,
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (
Here are a bunch of songs by some artists that are important to me! Listen to all of them right now.
The list is unending so I won't start listing. Please make suggestions though for films to see.