Let us know what we can do... u heard!Jus tell me how u like it, let me know what 2 do 4 u386!
Everyone real!!!
"In a world of war, poverty, ecological disasters, dissent and conflict in the social fabric of society, Marvin Gaye found himself looking to the heavens in 1971 asking the heartfelt question Whats Going On?"C=Collaborate
I=IndieI got luv 4 PDs!!!!!!!! P=Phenomenal, D= Diva, ABRAHAM
A = Authentic/AmbitiousB = BenevolentR = Resillient/Rebel/Rambunctious/RulerA= Ambitious/Absolutely/AngelicH= Honest/HillariousA= Alert/Assertive/AgressiveM= Magnificent/Mighty/Mystery/Master
hip hop, go go, roots and dance hall reggae, calypso, anything you can dance to. Classic rock 2!
Low down dirty shame, fat albert, star wars, battle star galactica, caddy shack, blue hill avenue, warriors, scarface, god father, lion king, saving nemo, you got served. Antoine Fishcer Story, ATL, Bring it on, Fast and Furious, Match stick men, Shaft, Big Mommas House, IdleWild, The transporter, coming to america, 48 hours, superman, the covenant, spiderman, animal house, wizard of oz, gaticca, farenheit 911, Persuit of happyness
do not really like regular TV and grew up around the Soprano Mob people so that doesn't really faze me. so not really into tv, but do not mind watching just not really overly impressed.
the art of war, bible both testaments/torah, anything spiritual and scifi as well as horatio alger storys and I really enjoy my friends stuff, sum GREAT inspiration!!!!
God, Jesus first and foremost, Isaac almost Abraham's sacrifice, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, Gandi, Superman, Batman, Fantastic Four, Will Smith, Sean Penn. Single mothers who manage to take care of their children hold a job and go to school too! Bus drivers that serve the pub all day are the apostles! School teachers that care! Artists, entertainers, musicians, jus 2 many 2 name but u know who u r!!!!!!!!!!!!